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Amelia Ward was a member of the Council. She was a great member as far as she was concerned. An active member, one who always voices her mind and pushes her ideas on the other members. Right now she was pushing the idea that execution is actually an effective means of punishment for stealing from the Administration. No one but her husband thought it was a good idea, and it was starting to irritate her. 

"I'm just suggesting that we think this through a little more," said councilman Sampson Gray. "While stealing from the Administration is definitely a crime that needs punishing, I find it very excessive to use execution. Save that for the ones who've kidnapped us and eat orphans for dessert." 

Most of the council blanched at Sampson's comment, still horrified at his humor even after all these years. 

Amelia especially disliked him. She found him to be unnecessarily vulgar and far too liberal for her taste. If it were up to her, he'd have been thrown out of the Council two centuries ago. 

Across her, councilman Baltazar started to speak. 

"While Councilman Gray's humor is…unorthodox, I do agree with him that execution is not the correct means of punishment." Damian Baltazar was often on the same page as his long time friend. They always supported each other, and it drove Amelia crazy. Mainly because they always had opposing views than she did. They were also much better at public speaking and convincing the other members of the Council than she was, so often times she found herself to be the odd man out. It got under her skin to no end. 

"Besides, we all know the only reason you're so worked up about the theft is because they stole your family's jewels." Sampson interjected again. 

"They're five hundred year old rubies! Invaluable!" Amelia shouted, and pounded her fist on the round mahogany table. 

The rubies had been mined in Burma  and brought back to England for her great great grandfather who was a Royal Knight for King James I. There had originally been an entire carriage load of rubies, but now the only ones left were the stones that were about five inches in diameter, and the small, thumb sized amulet that Amelia wore for ceremonies. They held sentimental value after all these years, and they were stolen. 

She vowed to personally behead the hoodlum who stole them. 

Her husband, John Ward, finally spoke up and brought her out of her angry thoughts . "I think while we should possibly find another means of punishment, but execution should still remain an option."

Amelia turned and stared at her husband. Who she thought had been on her side. "Excuse me? Do you realize what you're talking about? Those rubies have been handed down-"

"From generation to generation. Yes, I know Amelia. You've told me seventeen times since you found out they were stolen." John looked away from the venomous stare Amelia was sending him. 

She went to start yelling again, but Madam Boudrealt spoke. "What you're husband is trying, and failing, to say is that there are more effective ways of dealing with the situation." 

Amelia huffed, and slumped back. The other members started talking about other issues then, and seemingly forgot all about her crisis. 

Sensing someone looking at her, she turned her head. Sampson caught her eye, and smirked. 

Right now, Amelia Ward was not getting her way. And that was not acceptable.  

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