
1.5K 25 11

Nickname: Zip

Age: Teen

Hight: 2 inches

Magic: Low (Can only levitate light and small items.)

Likes: Getting Attention, Being an Only Bitty, Annoying Other Bitties, Being Held, Bananas.

Dislikes: Having New Bitties Brought Home, Not Being Close to Parent, Being Called Small or a Child, Being Alone.

Needs: To be fed 2-3 times a day, can be meat or veggies. Warm and dry places to sleep. Lots of attention. To be close to his parent.

Personality: Despite his small size, Zip is a handfull. He is a bit of a loud mouth and a troublemaker. He will go outta his way to annoy other bitties and take off running to his parent for protection in an effort for attention. However, he will never harm them and comfort them when needed. He can be independent, but he often won't do anything without his parent with him. He will demand to be taken with his parent wherever they go. If they refuse, he WILL stay in his parent's room and hide in their drawes or covers until they return. If the parent engores him or neglects him, he will try to "earn" Their affection any way he can.

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