Chapter 5

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"Hello ladies, sorry to interrupt your important conversation. But we couldn't help but over hear." A voice speaks.

The girls look to see who spoke.


The girls see four boys.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Paris sternly says.

"Ah, but you five must already know us. We are quite popular." One of the boys flirtatiously says.

"Finn, they probably won't know of us since we've never been around here." Another boys speaks.

"Oh Logan, but we are quite popular." Finn says putting on his elbow on Logan's shoulder, resting it there. Logan rolls his eyes and jerks his shoulder away, making Finn stumble a bit knocking into the boy next to him.

"Watch it Finn!" The boy said.

The girls were watching in amusement, as the boys are very much flirty, they are funny to watch.

"Oh. Sorry to be rude and not introduce ourselves. I'm Logan. Logan Huntzberger." Logan says smirking and looking at Rory, who is giving him a not so impressed look, more of 'seriously why are you giving me that look?' Look. Logan looked amused slightly at her, but finished introducing the rest.

"This is Finn." Logan gestured to the tall Aussie that was looking around until he heard his name.

"Hello lovelies, Finnegan Morgan at your service." Finn says as he bows, causing a short giggle to escape Madeline's mouth, she covered her mouth as her friends shot her a look, but Finn smiled and winked at her causing another giggle.

"This is Colin." Logan gestured to the boy standing next to Finn.

"Colin. Colin McCrae. My father is Andrew McCrae, and hello ladies." Colin says taking a bow much like Finn did. He had a quick glance at Steph when he stood back up.

"And this is Robert." Logan gestured once again to another boy that was standing next to him.

"Robert Grimaldi. How do you do?" Taking Lucy's hand and kissing it, she smiles. He let go of her hand and stepped back to stand beside Logan.

"Well, now that you know us. Who might you all be?" Logan asks.

"Well, I guess it is only fair. I'm Lorelai Leigh Hayden, but I go by Rory." The boys were stunned by the realization that who stood before them was a powerful heiress.

"This is Paris." Rory gestured to blonde standing next to her.

"Paris Geller. And we know all of your reputations, so you should know that you aren't going to be getting anything from us." Paris glares.

"PARIS!" The girls yell at her. The boys watched, amused by the fact the girls responded in such a way at Paris.

"Oh, but it's true."

"Whatever Paris. This is Madeline." Rory rolled her eyes and gestured to a red head.

"Madeline Lynn. It's nice to meet you." She smiles and looks at Finn, Finn smiles and winks at her her, she blushes.

"This is Steph." Rory gestured to the other blonde.

"Stephanie Vanderbilt, but I go by Steph." Steph was glancing at Colin. Colin caught her, she blushed, and he smiled.

"And this is Lucy." Rory gestured to a girl next to Madeline.

"Lucy Grey. Hi." Lucy shyly says. Robert glances at her with a charming smile.

"Okay, well... now you know who we are... But, anyway, so sorry we can't talk longer cause we gotta get to class. See you around!" Rory says with fake sincerity. And walks off with her girls in tow.

When Rory made the sharp to walk away, her scent of coffee and vanilla waft in Logan's face. Logan smiled, he found his new favorite scent.

"Wow, just wow.... Those girls are the most powerful in society. Well, at least their leader is." Colin says.

"I can one hundred percent agree with you on that one Colin. They are definitely something else." Logan says.

The four boys watch the girls exit the half empty cafeteria to go to their class early.

"So... who's got dibs on who?" Robert says.

"I call Madeline!" Finn exclaims happily.

"I'll take Stephanie." Colin replies.

Logan stays silent.

"I'll take Lucy." Robert chimes.

"Who you gonna choose mate? Miss Hayden or Miss Geller?" Finn smirked as he asked his best mate. He knew Logan was gonna go for Rory. They seemed to be a perfect match.

"Hmm... I choose Rory. She seems... different from the others. But she's not gonna be like my other conquests, she's definitely different. Plus, my family would approve of and maybe, just maybe... They will stay off my back for a while." Logan says as he looks back to the door they exited through.

His friends share a look. What just happened to our boy?! Is he falling in love?!!!

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