Chapter 7

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I smiled at the young boy in front of me. "Hello Ciel, I'm surprised you're alive yet I'm ever so happy to see you." I said. Ciel gave me a hard look. "What are you doing in my manor?" He asked angrily. "What ever do you mean why it was given to me." I said in defense. "Given to you? You're nothing but Madame Red's daughter you're not a Phantomhive." Ciel said. "Oh my darling little Ciel I am a Phantomhive. " I said. He looked perplexed. "How so?" He asked tensely. "Why not read the will Vincent left. I have a copy right here. " I said passing the paper to him he took it and began reading it then he looked shocked. "H-He left you everything." Ciel looked at me in shock. "Why yes. After all I'm your older sister." I said.
He looked shocked and then his blue eyes hardened. "No you're not! You're lying!" He accused angrily. "Ciel you know that I'm not. Why else would our father leave everything to me?" I asked him. He looked as if he wanted to strike me down. "I'm not entirely heartless. I wish to give you comfort so I'll offer you a place here." I said. He nodded. I got up and smiled at him. "It truly is wonderful to see you again Ciel." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. His sapphire blue eyes were filled with anger. "I will call our relatives I'm sure that they will be delighted as well. Don't you agree?" I asked him. He looked away. I smiled. "Why don't you come with me." I didn't ask. I simply ordered and he followed like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. We walked outside. "Your mother left you a large inheritance. I didn't touch a dime of. In fact I've put more into it." I said which wasn't a lie. He looked at me disbelievingly. "Now since I'm your sister and head of the Phantomhive name. I will be holding your inheritence until you turn 18." I said. "Why didn't you let Aunt Francis do this?" He asked. " It's rather simple, even if our aunt acts as though she's a smart ideal woman I know damn well that she'd take the money and invest in you and Lizzy's future home. Plus she wouldn't even know how to even successfully increase your inheritance. " I said. He nodded and I stopped at a door. "This will be your room from now on." I said. He walked into the room. "I will call you down soon. Our family will obviously rush over." I said. He nodded and I turned my back and began to walk out. He tried to throw a dart at me and I quickly caught it. "Nice try baby brother." I said then I closed the door. I smiled and walked  to the phones and just as I said everyone was over in a flash. Everyone was hugging him and smiling. Asking him many many questions. I just sat and listened. I was annoyed. "Well now that Ciel is back wouldn't that mean he's the earl of Phantomhive?" My aunt asked seemingly eager. I smiled at her noticing her excited demeanor. "No Auntie Dearest he's not." I said. She looked upset but covered it up with her usual attitude.  I smirked and noticed that odd butler staring at me. I looked at him challengingly he smirked and looked away. I ignored that strange look. What a odd man.

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