Chapter 3

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6 months later

"I don't understand why you want to leave so badly." My mother told me. "Because mama , I need my own home. I don't want to be seen as the Queen's little hand maiden forever." I said. "Oh Cloudia you worked hard to be where you are today, No one will think less of you if you stay." She said and then she smiled. "Yet I know you won't take my advice you've got my stubbornness and Vincent's determination." She said giving me a amused smile. I smiled back. "So how's the construction going?" She asked. "It's going well from what I've seen, it should be done in 2 weeks."
Mother suddenly gave me a strange pleading look which I knew what was coming. "Y'know Count Vogh's son Gregory is smitten with you. " she said. "Yes I know mother , he's sent me constant love letters along with every other noble man. It gets tiring to be honest."
. "Oh Cloudia , it's just that you're 18 years old. You're beautiful and you may act like you're not but anyone can see that you are." She said.
"I'm also rich, close friends with queen , a Phantomhive, I have a large toy company , and I'm the Queen's butterfly and soon to be taking on the duties as her Guard dog. " I said counting the many reasons off my hand. My mother frowned but gave me a understanding look. "Oh sweet heart not all men are like that." She said.
"If that was the case mother , Father would've married you."

Was what I wanted to say but I held my tongue. "Maybe you're right mother." I said. Mother smiled though I could tell she was a bit taken aback since I'd agreed with her instead of starting a argument. 
"Of course darling. Now I've got to get going, I have an appointment to get to." She said getting up and hugging me. "I love you dear." She said. "I love you too." I said hugging her back. Soon she pulled away but before left she called back."Give love a chance." And then left. I sighed and got up making way towards my chest. It was filled half way with letters and gifts from all sorts of men. I sighed and grabbed a handful. I closed the chest tight and went through the pile until one particular letter caught my interest. It was a simple white envelope that smelled like lilac and had purple ink on it. I opened it curiously.  It read.

My darling Butterfly, 
I've  loved you as soon as I saw you for it was truly love at first sight!  I must see you or my heart may break into a million pieces! Please write back for I am awaiting your response!
Aleistor Chamber.

'Ah of course it's you.' I thought groaning in annoyance.

"Cloudia are you alright?" I Heard a familiar voice say and I turn to see the queen. "Oh yeah I'm  fine. Just reading a few of my letters." I said putting Aleistor's letter down along with the rest.
"Cloudia I came because I need you to go to the Trancy estate and deliver these files." She said handing them to me.
"Of course my highness." I said walking away.
The Trancy estate was a long carriage ride away but I supposed I did need something to do so that I'm not waiting for my new home to be built.  I got into the carriage that was waiting for me and looked at the scenery that we passed. I soon felt a bit tired and closed my eyes.

I was jolted forward. I frowned and opened my eyes. The carriage wasn't moving anymore. I got out of the carriage and saw the driver talking with another man. "Why are we stopped?" I asked. "I had to help this man ma'am  his carriage has broken down while he was transporting these children." He said looking over at the little crowd of boys who looked almost 12 or 11. "Where were you taking these boys?" I asked. "A work house ma'am." He said plain and simple. I nodded and looked at the boys one of them caught my eye. Simply because of his appearance, he had pale alabaster skin, icy blue eyes that looked as if they'd seen so much, bleach blonde hair that was messy and in a disarray. His attire looked incredibly poor and he looked as if he'd given up with life. It broke my heart to see that look coming from someone so young. I walked towards him. "Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "My name is Cloudia what's yours?" I asked him. "Jim Macken." He said quietly. I gave him a smile. "It's nice to meet you Jim." I said holding my hand out to shake his. He looked shocked at my behaviour and that only hurt my heart a bit more. He took my hand hesitantly and shook it. Then he took his hand away as if he'd hurt me. "My lady everything is done." My driver said. "I'll be right there." I said over my shoulder. "Well Jim I guess this is goodbye for now. Maybe our paths will cross again." I said and then walked away and into the carriage. Jim smiled at me once before my carriage lurched forward and continue the trip to the Trancy Manor. In my mind I hoped the best for Jim and I truly did wonder. 'Would me and Jim's paths cross again?'


Boom. How'd it feel to meet jim?
A big part of me wanted to include Luka but then I was like. No Jim would be much better this was the big reason why I was taking so long to update. I was like for story's sake and in this type of timeline or whatever Luka would be dead before the Phantomhive fire.
Either way I hope you like it 😘
- Stitchdroid

Cloudia Phantomhive the queen's butterflyWhere stories live. Discover now