Part 2: I'm No Human, But I'm No Supernatural Either

Comenzar desde el principio

"You jelly that I walk with Rias?"


"You know silence usually mean 'yes' right?"


"You spoiled her too much Einz."

A similar-to-Sona looking girl said, except she have a longer hair. The girl is Tsubaki, a first year in Kuoh. She looks more mature than her age though.

"I treated everyone the same Tsubaki."

"You don't to Sona."

"Haha, I guess so. It just that Sona is cute."

Sona blushed with steam coming out from her head. She's trying her hardest to hide it.

"Well, anyway Sona. I have a question."

I said with my tone changed into a serious one. Sona and Tsubaki did the same, probably because me being serious is basically rare... or well non-existent.

"What is it Einz? Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, first of all, you're a devil right?"

Sona's and Tsubaki's eye widen. I continues.

"No, I'll correct that. The entire student council. They're all devils excluding me right?"

"Yeah, but how do you know all this? Is it Rias? No she wouldn't be that stupid."

"Rias didn't told me. I know it by myself, since the beginning. I didn't say it because it might bring me problem. But well an old guy who is a fallen angel suddenly attacked me. So I consider myself as already being drag and I deserve to know some information."

"Fallen angel?! Really?!"


I said before pulling out a black feather from my pocket. The feather is Dohnaseek's. I take it from him yesterday.

"It certainly is a fallen angel's feather."

"Now, can I have some info?"

Sona look towards Tsubaki and they nodded to each other. With that they summoned a pair of bat wings behind them.

"Listen closely Einz. What I'm about to say would literally turn your life upside down."

"My life always been like that."

I said after nodded to her.


"I see, so in other words most angels and fallen angels are a bunch of jackass. Demon can resurrect human into another demon. Sacred gear is a weapon given by God etc etc."

"Well, I guess it is like that. Now Einz your turn to explain."

"Mhm, okay. First of all, the reason I know that you guys aren't human is because I can literally knows a creature physique. Basically Motohama but more useful."

"What is that? A sacred gear?"

"It's not, I'll rather call it my skill. Secondly, I'm not human."

I said before pulling a knife from my pocket. Tsubaki goes on guard when she see me do so. Then with a simple slice, I created a trail of red I my wrist.

"What are you?!"

"Don't worry."

The wound close almost instantly. They're eyes widen even more.

"As you can see, I'm not human. But I'm no demon, nor angel, nor fallen angel."

"Then, what are you?"

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