Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Not knowing how long I was out for I opened my eyes, it was as if everything that had just happened was a just a nightmare. However, then seeing that my hands were still tied up made me think otherwise. “Damn, Sheena” I shouted out as I tried to get up off the floor. It took me a while before I managed to get up, but noticing my tools over in the corner, I quickly made my way over there. I searched for anything that would be sharp enough to cut through the rope and seeing one of my old fishing knives, I took it in between my hands. Placing it in between my knees, I began rubbing the rope up and down along the knife. It was cutting through but not as fast as I wanted, but just as I was cutting through the last bit, I could hear Lee screaming my name. Bit late, I said to myself angrily, but then quickly dismissed it, as this wasn’t Lee’s fault. “Down here Lee” I replied. I could hear his footsteps crashing down the stairs; he stopped on the spot as soon as he saw me. ”Damn what the hell happened here?” he asked looking towards the rope on the ground and my face. I could only imagine what I must have looked like because if the pain is anything to go by then I must look some mess, I was thinking. ”Sheena’s family what’s happened” I replied, as I took a run for the stairs. “I’ll fill you in later; we just need to find Sheena now.” I shouted back while still running up the stairs.

After the pair of us had searched the whole house, we started to look outside. Seeing Lee stop, I came to a halt.  ”Damon, when I spoke to Sheena, I told her hide, she could be anywhere,” he said. I tried thinking of places she would hide, but then I realised this wasn’t just anybody hiding, this was Sheena. She wasn’t a person to hide she was a runner; I began thinking to myself, as I looked out into the woods, knowing that is exactly where she would have gone. I know where she is come on,” I shouted to Lee as I made run for the woods.

We searched and searched but couldn’t find anything. There was no sight of her anywhere. My heart was breaking at the thought of her out here alone and panicking. I tried her phone repeatedly as well as Lee but it kept going straight to her answer phone. I listen to the whole answer phone message every time, as her voice was the only thing that was keeping me going. There was only a little bit of light left in the sky and I knew we were going to have to wait until sunrise to come back out. As much as I wanted to continue looking, I knew it was know use. “Damon I have called Cherelle and Alisha they are back at the house now just encase Sheena goes back there ok.”  Lee said sounding exactly as I felt. “Thanks” I replied flatly, as I started to follow him back towards the house. “Lee” I shouted as I see a piece of her pyjamas hanging of a branch. I put my phone up to it for more light; I noticed there was some blood on it. I collapsed onto the floor and everything I had been holding in all day let loose. I hugged myself tight as I left myself cry out, I didn’t care if Lee saw me or not all I cared about was my Sheena. I felt Lee place his hand on my shoulder, giving a light squeeze ”We will find her Damon I promise you, we will not stop until we find her.” he said with so much determination. Looking up at Lee I was shocked to see he was crying, I have never seen Lee cry and seeing how much he cared for Sheena, warmed my heart. I knew there and then that he was not going to stop looking with me until we find her. After calming myself down a little “Thanks Lee, you’re a one of a kind best friend, I really mean it” I told him truthfully.

The next morning Lee and I headed straight back in to the woods. We haven’t called anyone in to help us, as we now definitely know that, there is a mole back at the station.

This time we decided to split up to search so we could cover more ground. Lee had managed to acquire some radios so we could keep in contact with each other. “Lee, you take the left side and I’ll take the right, keep in contact ok?” I said. “Will do, and Damon” he said “Yes”, “we will find her mate if it’s the last thing we do we will find her.” with him saying that he started to walk off. I stood there feeling so many mixed emotions flowing through me, until I heard Lee through the radio,” Hmm Damon maybe you need to move them feet” he told me with a little laugh. Shaking my head from side to side, I felt a little smirk appear on my face. ”I’m moving” I replied as I started to walk into the woods.

We searched for hours on end with still no sign of Sheena anywhere. The sun was starting to set and knowing it was going to take a while to get back to the house I radioed Lee “Hey Lee, anything?” I asked knowing deep down he hadn’t.  “No Damon nothing here” he answered sounding worried. My heart sunk as I sat down on the damp grass while fear and worry flowed through me, as I though of Sheena being out their somewhere now for two days. That’s two days without any food or water, and two days all alone and pregnant. My eyes became watery from my unshed tears that I have been desperately trying to hold in all day; it was as if Sheena had just disappeared. I couldn’t help thinking, what if they caught her and were holding her hostage or even worse killed her. The more I thought about it the more I cried, my heart was shattering in to pieces with worry for my Sheena and our unborn baby.

I don’t know what to do next, I don’t want to go to the police as they could be in on it, I don’t want to involve close friends, as that would be just putting their lives at risk. For the first time I was really starting to realise how serious this all was. These people weren’t the kind you would want to get involved with, as torturing and killing is like going down the shop to them. Why couldn’t they have just left Sheena out of all this, hell they left her alone as a child why couldn’t they now, I ranted to myself. ”Damon, are you ok man? Lee asked sounding concerned; I cleared my throat, hoping he wouldn’t notice that I was a total wreck. “Sorry Lee lets head back to the house,” I replied breaking down towards the end. I pulled my knees up in to my chest and started to rock my body back and forth, as I cried hysterically for my love of my life.

Well I hoped you all enjoyed!

I hope you will continue to enjoy and support the sequel I Faked That Smile :)

 I would just like to say a massive Thank you to all of you, as you have all been so amazing to me! Also to all my old and present fans, Thanks a million for all of your support, you all mean so much to me!

Loads of <3 Mel xx


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