Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

We had just arrived at the Courthouse and I was told to meet the solicitor in the reception area. As I approached the receptionist, an old bald headed man stopped me. ”Hello Sheena, I am Mr Chambers” he held his hand out while greeting me. Just the look of him spelled trouble; making shivers ran down my spine. Damon held onto my hand “Don’t worry I am here with you ok, I will let nothing happen to you” he whispered into my ear, only loud enough so that I could hear him. I stared into his eyes and thanked him, feeling slightly more confident now.

 Mr Chambers asked us to follow him into a room off to the side, I was feeling curious as to why he wanted to talk to me, but also nervous at the same time.  As we took a seat he looked between Damon and me “Well before we start, I am going to have to ask your boyfriend here to leave the room, as I was strictly instructed to talk to you alone by your father” he said in a stern voice. ”No way, whatever you have to say you can say in front of Damon,” I said, raising my voice in panic. There was no way on earth I was going to sit in this room alone with this creep, I thought to myself.

 Damon looked at me with concern, but also something else I could not seem to make out. “Excuse me sir, could you give Sheena and me a few minutes alone, please” I heard Damon ask, I looked at him with daggers along with confusion. The man nodded his head and started to exit the room and as soon as he had shut the door, Damon gave me a serious look. “Sheena,” I cut him off “no way NO” I shouted at him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me onto his lap. “Please hear me out first ok?”.” but I don’t want to be in here alone with him, he scares me please don’t leave me alone with him” I could feel the tears trying to overflow, but I swallowed them back as hard as I could, as I made a promise to myself today that I would not cry.

 Damon gave me a sad look,”I will be right outside the door and I promise I will stay there until you are finished, you need to hear what he has to say Sheena”. Even though I knew he was right, it did not make it any easier. He kiss me on the lips gently, “ok but you must promise you will stay right outside the door and not leave?” I asked. “I promise” he replied. He gave me a tight reassuring hug and then kissed me before standing up and making his way out of the room. I kept repeating to myself to be strong, but it was hard. As Mr Chambers walked back into the room, he took a seat opposite me and placed some paper work down onto the table. “Sheena  for your own safety, what I am about to tell you must stay between us two and us two alone, however, if you breathe a word of this to anyone else your life will be put in danger. Do you understand?” I looked at him as if he had gone mad, but seeing the seriousness on his face shocked me. “Sheena do you understand?” he asked again, I could see his patience was running thin. Feeling scared for my life I just nodded my head, as I didn’t trust this man at all he had a pure look of evil.

“Your father has instructed me to tell you to leave here and never return”. “Also you have to leave everyone here behind and never contact them again”. “He has also arranged a place for you to start your new life, where he will have guards watching your every move.” He stopped for a minute and just sat looking at me smirking. I just sat there in shock, as I tried to take in what he was telling me. After all these years, he thinks he can waltz in and take full control of me.

I Fake That Smile! ( Completed Watty Awards finalist 2012)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora