𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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"Hello, Amour." The one with long curls said, the way 'Amour' rolled of his tongue was almost memorising to Louis, the way his eyes burned into Louis' and the way his dimples got deeper has his smile got wider.

Louis almost melted when he smiled at the omega, teeth on display and his eyes glistening. "I'm Harry, it's lovely to meet you." He greeted, bowing head slightly as if he was meeting the queen.

Louis let a small whimper and smiled shyly, "Hiya, my name is Louis but you can call me Lou." The omega rocked on the heels of his feet as Harry nodded at him shortly before turning to his two brothers.

"This is my brother Marcel," he nodded towards the one with glasses, "and this Edward." He smiled brightly at his brother when Louis received a small smile and a nod from Edward.

Once they were all introduced Niall suddenly squealed loudly and grabbed Louis by his forearm and dragged him into the staff room, leaving the triplets confused.

Louis giggled and stumbled back when Niall started jumping up and down like a little kid. "Why are you so excited?" Louis questioned, smiling brightly.

"You guys would be cute together," He squealed, grabbing Louis' hand and spinning him around making louis let out small giggles. "A—all three of them?" Louis asked, stopping the spinning and tilting his head to the side, looking like a confused kitten.


"What? H—how?"

"If you want one of them you have to have all three of them," Niall explained, as if it was no big deal. Louis was way to immature for a alpha right now, let alone three!

All of a sudden Louis became insecure and frowned slightly, "they probably wouldn't even want me," he mumbled, letting out a small sigh, taking a seat on the small lounge.

No one else was in the staff room, they were either working out in the kitchen or out getting lunch. Louis should be taking orders and he had completely forgotten he had a job.

Niall frowned at his best friend, sitting down next to him and rubbling circles on his lower back. "Are you blind? Did you not see the way they were looking at you? They would love to mate you, i'm sure off it, mate."

Louis let a small smile creep into his face and leaned into his best friends touch, "okay," he whispered. Niall got up and dragged Louis out of the staff room by his forearm, leading him over to the three alphas.

"Hello," Edward smirked at Louis before focusing his attention on Niall who was rambling about something to marcel. Edward turned to Harry and nodded his head encouragingly. 

"Hello, beautiful. My brother and I would love to court you."

If Louis had a drink he would of for sure dropped it or spat it out on the floor. He stared at the alphas before Niall nudged his side. "I—um" he stumbled upon his words.

Edward stepped forward and gave Louis a grin, pushing his brother side, "sorry about Harry. My brother's and I were wondering if you would like to go on a date with us, before we court you?" He asked, staring straight into Louis' eyes, looking for any emotions.

"Like that was any better," Marcel snickered.

Louis blushed and looked up at the two alphas staring at him, "I—" He begane but was interrupted by Niall, like always.

"He would love too!" Niall answered for the omega. "Yeah, what he said." Louis mumbled shyly, grinning when Marcel sent him a small wink.

Edward smiled at the omega, "Great," He started, before taking Louis' hand and placing a soft kiss on it. "Is tomorrow night, alright? We will pick you up."

𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐮𝐥 | 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 + 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu