The D Word

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Toni Braxton & Babyface- The D Word

Takeoff POV

I sat in my car holding tight to the steering wheel as I looked out at y/n's house. No, this wasn't her house, it was mine, well ours rather. It was the house that we bought ten years ago after we got married. I've been living in this house so long but sitting here now it felt like I was looking at a place I'd never been before.

I remember the day that we moved in. We were finally out of the shared mansion where we lived with the rest of the guys when we were in town. I had a home all my own to come back to and a wife to look forward to when I got there.

I had my car parked across the street so that y/n wouldn't be able to see me sitting here. I wasn't supposed to be here after all. My lawyer said that it would be best for me to just have the divorce papers sent through the mail, but I cant. I cant let her sign her name on these papers if there's a chance that we could fix this. I messed up, and I know I did, but I love my wife and my I want my family.

Our son had his bike sitting on the lawn instead of in the garage where it was supposed to be. I always have to remind him about picking up his stuff but I only do it cause it pisses his mama off for it to be left out. I grabbed the folder from the passenger seat and went to get out of the car but before I could get out the front door opened.

y/n stepped out of the house wearing a dress that was way too flirtatious for just a dinner with the girls. It was short and clung to her in all the right places. She's going on a date. She has to be. I knew that was no way for me to tell but I still found myself straining my eyes to see if she had her ring on her finger. I don't want to say I've been keeping tabs on her but I saw in a couple of her recent Instagram posts that she was still wearing it.

I felt like since she still had it on that maybe there still was a chance but I see now that I might actually be wrong. I watched her fix her shoes and smooth out her dress with her hands before climbing into her car and driving off. I sucked in a deep breath and sat back against my seat. I could go knock because I'm sure Jr. Is home, but I don't live here anymore and I cant just show up uninvited. I got out of the car and went over to the mailbox and put the folder inside before I got back into my car and drove off.  

Takeoff Music ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon