Sure Thing

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Inspo: Sure Thing-Miguel


I slipped my hands into my pockets as I paced back and forth in front of the bridal suite. It was really just the room where Y/N and her friends had stayed the night before and were there getting dressed. I could hear her screaming through the door. She spent the last year and a half planning for this day and for some reason nothing was going right. The guys that were supposed to deliver the cake dropped it on the way into the building, when the flowers came, they were the wrong color. I didn't know that the color of the flowers was that important, but they were supposed to be lavender and instead they're violet, and on top of all that now it's raining. She had her heart set on a beach wedding, and it was raining cats and dogs.

Her sister opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. "I tried talking to her, but she's losing her damn mind."

"I can hear her." I replied.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked me.

"The people from the bakery are on the way with another cake, it's not gonna be what she wants but it's not gonna be cake." I said. The caterer and the crew were all in the lobby waiting to see if the rain would let up, but it didn't look like it would. I opened my mouth to speak but as soon as I did, the lights above us flickered and then went off.

"I cant fucking believe this!" Y/N screamed from the other side of the door. I could hear both of our mothers trying and failing to calm her down.

"I don't know what the fuck we're going to do man," I said to her.

"I have an idea," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't worry, just go back to your room I'll have then come get you when everything is done." she said.

We sat around in the room for an hour before someone came up to the room. There was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it.

"You ready to get married?" her sister said to me.

"You do know it's still raining right?" I asked her. "And the power is still out. Half of the guests can't get here because it's raining so damn hard, and that includes the people from the bakery."

"Will you forget about the cake?" she asked.

"No, I spent four hundred dollars on that shit, and I want what I paid for." I replied.

"You ready to get married today or not?" she asked. "The minister couldn't make it, but I still have service on my phone, and I got an officiant license."

"So, who's gonna marry us? You?"

"I didn't spend 40 dollars for nothin," she replied. "Now come on." she said before she turned and walked down the hallway.

"This sound like some crazy shit," my uncle said as he walked past me and out into the hallway.

"You always have to be negative huh?" I asked him.

"I'm not being negative, we got no minister, no cake, no power, and flowers that are the wrong color. I've seen bad luck before but this is some next level shit, but I wanna see how this is gonna work out so let's go." my uncle striaghten his suit jacked and started down the hallway toward the stairs

I rolled my eyes and followed him down the hallway.

The hotel that we were staying in had a large lobby, but you would have never been able to tell because they had a hug table in the middle of it with this giant flower arrangement. We had actually paid to have an entire arrangement made to replace it for the day. All these damn flowers we bought and they were the wrong damn color, but it looks like they were put to good use. We were supposed to be getting married on the beach, so we kept the wedding party small. I had my uncle, set, and my younger brother as my groomsman. Y/N had three bridesmaids not including her sister who was supposed to be doing the job of giving her away, but she was now the minister.

When we reached the main entrance I could see the bridesmaids standing opposite us down a hallway that led to the other wing of the hotel .

"Okay, I'm gonna walk out first." y/n's sister said, "everybody else is gonna walk like we rehearsed yesterday but in reverse order."

"Reverse?" I asked. "So, I come out last?"

"There is gonna be a small white x on the floor. When you get there, just stop and wait. Oh, and make sure to fix your face, there are cameras recording"

"There better be cameras, I paid an arm and a leg for that too," I said to her.

The music started and everything was going as planned for the first time that entire day. After everyone walked out each pair stopped on the x for their picture they proceeded into the lobby where I'm guessing there was some kind of ceremony set up. From there I was standing in the hallway I couldn't see much. I was just standing there waiting. After the bridesmaids had walked, I saw some of the hotel staff string up some curtains to block the hallway when y/n would be walking out.

The curtain was kind of see through so I could still make out the silhouette of her body standing behind the curtain, but I couldn't see her. It was like they were using the curtain as a veil, which she didn't have because it somehow ended up not getting packed in the bags.

One of the ushers looked at me and gave me a nod so I started toward the white X on the floor. When I got to the spot I stopped. I don't know what happened after that. I guess you could call it nerves but I didn't want to look up from the x on the floor. I knew that when I looked up, they were gonna pull these curtains back and then she would be standing there and

"nick," I look over and my mother was looking at me before she mouthed. "Pick your damn head up."

I looked up and at the same moment they were pulling the curtains back and I felt my heart fall into my shoes. Her makeup wasn't done, but she still looked just as beautiful. She looked like she had been crying the entire day which she had, but it didn't matter. She walked over to the white X on the floor, and it was then that she looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"You, okay?" I asked her.

She looked down at her feet then around the room. It was getting later in the day and the sun wasn't waiting for anybody. I looked around and everybody was standing up, now at the wedding that I've been to people usually only stand up when the bride walks in, but now she's in here and everyone is getting up and in each person's hand they held a candle. Not a real one though, I noticed in the bathroom they had those candles that were really but lights that ran on batteries, and since they were in the bathrooms, I figure that they would have a surplus of them.

Around the X on the floor there was a circle of flower petals. Everyone got up from their seat and stood around us in a big circle.

"You guys ready to get married?" y/n's sister asked.

"I think so," y/n said to her.

"Okay, so this is the thing that I don't like about weddings. I think that they're too long and it's too much, so we're going to start at the end, the vows." she said. "Who wants to go first?"

I looked at y/n and she was looking down at the floor again. "i watched you plan for month to make this day perfect, and it looks like everything that could have went wrong happened, but we're here, and I don't think that there is anywhere else I'd rather be."

"Yeah, well we did spend all this money to be here, so I'm glad you're still enjoying it." y/n said.

"If yall mention money one more time I think I'm gonna scream," her sister said.

"it's important, but not as important as this, standin right here with you y/n." She smiled, and it was like I could see all the worry washing away. "We made it through a lot of storms, and I know as long as I have you, I can make it through anything."

She laughed. "I would cry, but I don't think I have any tears left, but if I don't know anything else I'm sure of one thing. I can always count on you to come through."

"I don't want to interrupt but, I helped with this." her sister said.

"Well can you stop helping so we can finish?" I asked her.

"Sorry, my bad," she replied. "Go ahead and finish imma be quiet."

"I know that I can always count on you to be there to straighten me out and make everything okay, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." y/n said.

"I think that sounds like a plan." I said to her.  

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