Summary of 2p! China x Reader

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Reader: -at a bar- lol so many people have worse days then me. Gr8.

-dramatic lights to Zao getting slapped-

Reader: oh shit.


Reader: o look, it's the hot Chinese guy at the bar who got rejected.

Zao: ded/pass out.

Reader: ........hahahah, hospitals don't matter, I'll just drag him to my apartment because plot.

Zao: -when morning at reader's house- yo succ me.

Reader: no.

Zao: succ me.

Reader: no.

Zao: succ me.

Reader: no.

-o look, food-

Reader: omnomnomnom, food.

Zao: succ m-

-food in hands-

Zao: omnom, thank. -kiss and run away-

Reader: you a ded mother fucka.

Yeup! Another filler! I'm working on a request and my Spring Break just started so I'll maybe be able to publish the oneshot! Untill next time, dearies!

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