"Ya. I did. It was just an excuse, it wasn't the real reason."

"Meaning? Ko tipu dia?"

"I've been with her since we 15. Two years of relation, G..two years. Semua urang ingat tu cuma puppy love. Lexter lah yang paling nda approve kami punya relationship masa tu."


"U know kan, Erica is from a wealthy family, and she is a spoiled daughter. Of course her family wants the best for her. And me? I am just noboby, G. Sa bukan anak urang kaya. Balik2 Lexter suruh sa break up sama Erica, tapi sa nda mau. I love her."

"Masa sa received my spm result, it wasn't a good result actually. Sa malu sama Erica because she was among the best students in the school. Sa nda dapat masuk mana2 kolej bcause my bad result, and I think I just got lucky sa dapat tawaran form 6. So, sa terima."

"And that moment, I realized I should let Erica go even though I still love her. I want to improve myself, at least I have something to show her, and her family that I am worth to be with Erica."

"And I did. I have steady job with good salary, my own houses, cars. Sa terjumpa Erica balik masa school reunion, and yup, sa try approach dia balik. I know she still loves me. And now, kami engaged."

Somehow kan...saya rasa betul2 jelous sama Erica. Napa dia bulih jumpa lelaki sebaik Nate? And I hate myself now for being a stupid friend. They love each other, Nate is still deeply in love with her walau berapa banyak kali pun saya dan Nate make sex.

Am I too blind to see all these? Wake up G!!!

"Napa ko diam?" Tiba2 dia tingu muka saya.


Napa saya diam? Sebab saya speechless. Saya rasa buduh. Buduh sebab saya harap Nate kasih tinggal Erica untuk saya. Saya ada apa? Nothing. Saya dan Erica beza macam langit dan bumi.

I must end this relationship.

"Nate. Sa rasa...we should stop seeing each other."


"Yes. U love her. U did everything just to be with her. And there's no way U will leave her for me."

"G, can we just not talk about it now? Itu masalah sa."

"U don't love me, Nate. U just---"

"It's not about our sex, G. Don't ever say it." Terus dia cut sebelum saya habis cakap.

Saya betul2 confuse o sekarang. Tapi saya sudah nekad, I want to end this relationship.


Ni hari saya nda masuk kerja sebab sakit betul kepala saya. Few days ago, saya demam, nasib saya dapat mc. After demam saya okay, saya migrain. Malas saya pi klinik. Saya masuk kerja juga tapi ni hari saya surrender.

Saya makan panadol, terus saya rest sana living room sambil tingu tv. Nda lama tu saya nda sedar saya tertidur. Saya terbangun pun sebab handphone saya balik2 ringing.

6 missed calls from Nate.

1 missed call from Sairah.

Saya ignore ja semua tu missed calls. Saya pi dapur masak maggie campur telur. Saya teda selera pun mo makan. Bukan teda bahan memasak, ada juga tu ayam, ikan, sayur si Nate beli. Tiap2 minggu dia refill aisbox saya.

Saya masak pun kalau dia datang pi rumah. Kalau dia nda datang, saya makan maggie or nasi goreng ja.

Masa saya makan, Nate send text.

📩 Nate : Busy? U are not picking up ur phone.

📨 Me : Ya, busy. Talk to U later.

Dia nda tau saya emergency leave ni hari. Malas saya report sama dia. Ya, I am his girlfriend, tu yang dia fikir but for me, saya ni perempuan simpanan ja. So nda payah lah saya trip2 mo kasih tau dia pasal aktiviti harian saya.

Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now