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"U want me to stop?"

Honestly, saya expect dia akan cakap 'We shouldn't do this, Giana.' or maybe he would say 'OMG Giana, what the hell are U doing???'...tapi...

..dia diam.

"Nate...are U okay?"

"Did U just---kiss me?"

"Ya! Silly." Saya terus berdiri. Terang2 pula tu saya kiss dia, and he questioned me?

"Giana." Dia tarik tangan saya sampai saya terduduk balik di sebelah dia.

"What now, Nate?"

"I don't want U to stop."


"My pleasure."

Then I cup his face with my both hands, and crash my lips on his. Oh yeah....this time dia balas kiss saya.

He suck my both upper and lower lips, and slips his tongue into my mouth. Oh gosh...he kisses me like he was craving for my lips.

Then tangan dia tarik tshirt saya pi atas, revealing my white bra.


"U want me to stop?"

Saya tersenyum nakal ja tingu dia. Pandai dia kasih kena saya balik aa.

"Not here." Bilang saya.

"Then show me ur room."

Saya hold tshirt saya on left hand, and his hand on my right hand. Saya bawa dia masuk bilik, and threw myself on my bed.

Dia ikut saya pi atas katil..and, katil saya single bed ja k, but we still fit on it.

He crawls slowly on top of me, and we start to kiss again. Oh I tell you, he is good. Dia nda gelojoh, he plays his role step by step tapi pushy saya masa tu very fxckin wet sudah.

I can't deny he is one hot guy, and when his chest hit my boobs..oh turns me on!

"Nate..take off ur shirt."

"No. U take it off for me. 😏"

"Ow...playing naughty, huh?" Slowly saya buka baju dia, and yeah...I love seeing his abs, his abdomen, his v-shape.

"Can I take this off too?" Saya tunjuk seluar dia.

"Ya if U allow me to take off urs too."

Aw shit!

He really turns me on.

Mula lah adegan kissing2 sambil tu tangan kami berkerja buka lapisan yang terakhir. He just take off and throw my bra and panties sana atas lantai.

"Nate...I want more."

"Oh yeah? Ok. Spread ur leg. Let me taste ur down here." Jari dia mulai bermain2 sana 'pintu' depan.

"Ready? 1..2..3"

Ketawa2 lagi saya aa masa dia kira tu. Lucu bah. Then bila dia cucuk masuk dalam tu, terteriak juga lah skijap. Tekajut. Lama bah sudah nda make sex. Last sex was with Brad itu pun punya lah laaaama sudah.

After like 10 minutes or so, I reached my first climax. Bulih tahan juga oo dia, we did it almost for half hour then baru dia cum.

Dia baring di sebelah saya, kepenatan. Since katil saya tu kecil ja, dia suruh saya baring atas badan dia, dia bilang to save space. 😂 Saya peluk dia dan ampai kepala atas dada dia. I can hear his heart beat, beating so fast.

Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now