Chapter 6.

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The next morning everyone got up to go to school. Lori found a note from Lincoin and it said , Dear  Family and Friends , I have left you and I found a note that was left on the kitchen table saying that if I go all of you will be safe from harm.  Please be safe. If anything happens to you. I will know and don't worry I know how to get out of average sell. Sincerely,  Lincoin. Lori went to tell the others about Lincoin letter to all of them. Splinter said that he must have been foolish leaving on his own. Lori said "He is not foolish Lincoin must have left , so that he could keep us safe from harm. Splinter , if you have a problem with my brother you will have to answer to me. That includes everyone." Everyone said ok , and try to think of a plane to save Lincoin and Lori had to think of something to say to her parents at home. Splinter came up to Lori and ask if she was ok. Lisa came up and said that She misses Lincoin. At Shredder lair Lincoin was waiting for the right moment to leave Shredder and to warn his friends and family about his plan to get the Ninja Turtles to come out of hiding and to know  Shredder is going to destroy the city. Later that afternoon he use a bobby pin that he took with him and manege to get out of the holding sell. Lincoin soon snaked past Shredder and his team that was  assembled.   Lincoin soon made it out and was on his way to see the Turtles. He came up on Lucy and told her Shredder plan. Lucy gasped at the news that Lincoin brought her and went to tell the others with Lincoin. Everyone soon got the news and went to the sewers where they meet up at. Lynn said "So , what is the plan to take down Shredder." Lincoin explain everything to them and they have gotten a plan to go by and they said if all else fails just to make a plan as they go. Splinter ask how he can help in their plans. Lincoin told him what he could do and Splinter understood what he would need to do. He soon left and got into probation.
Lincoin , Leni , and Lori: Going fast makes me feel alive.
Lisa , Lily , and Lola: My heart beats in hyper drive.
Lana , Lynn , Lucy , Luna , and Luna: Do you think you can win? Only if I lose.
Splinter , Leonardo , Donatello , Raphael , and Michelangelo: Just let destiny choose.
Shredder and his team were soon attacking the city.
April , Casey , and Karai: I can hear you breathing ; I can see you coming.
Lincoin gave the single to attack.
Cody and Renet: I can feel the wind. It's blowing me around.
Splinter: Take a shot at me running side by side.
Raph: It's a blur... as I go by.
Lincoin and his sisters: I can hear you breathing ; I can see you coming. I can feel the wind. It's blowing me around.
Casey , April , Karai , Cody , and Renet: See the sun arising. Fire in the sky.
Splinter , Leo , Donnie , Raph , and Mickey: Greatness thrusts itself into our lives.
Shredder try one last resort he use the radiation bomb and the timer start and the Turtles had to get to the bomb before it goes off and Splinter have everyone out of the city and he went back to help the others out. Renet gotten to Splinter and told him that their was a bomb and that he has eight minutes to get back to the city.

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