Chapter 4.

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A week went by and Lincoin and his sisters were having fun training with their teachers. Leo said "Everyone is doing great with their training and improving everyday." Donnie said "It is true that you are improving but you also are great friends too. April you also are doing good with your training too." Raph said "Everyone here thank you for helping me and also Splinter thank you for training me and my brothers and showing me that training isn't always easy." Mickey said "This sounds like we need to celebrate all of our achievements that we have accomplished today." April said "Yeah! let's have some more fun tonight and get to know each other even better. If it alright with Splinter." Splinter said that it was alright with him and for them to have fun. Everyone soon planned the party for that night. Later that night Lincoin and his sisters went to the sewers and met up with the Turtles and also Karai , and April. Everyone soon went to were the party was at. Leo said "I hope that no one mind if I invited some friends to our party. Everyone said that they didn't mind if Leonardo invited some of his friends. When they got their everyone introduced themselves and started partying. April ask Casey if he would like to dance with her. Casey said "Yeah! I would like to dance with you April and let's just have tonight." April said "This is a party to celebrate our achievements , so let dance like we never dance before." Cody came up to Lori and ask her to dance with him. Lori said ok , and got up and dance with him. Renet came up to Lincoin and ask if he would like to just talk. Lincoin said sure that he would like to just talk. Everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves. Four hours went by and Lincoin looked at his watch and said that their dad will be picking him and his sisters up soon. Lincoin and his sisters just made it before their dad. Lincoin dad ask how was their party and if they had any fun. Lincoin said "The party was a lot of fun and they made some new friends too. Thanks for letting us go to the fun party." They soon made it home and had some snacks to eat. Lincoin mother told everyone to go to bed , so everyone went to bed.

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