Chapter 39

Beginne am Anfang

"Alright, alright already. Geez. One distracted but pissed off hallucination of Dad coming right up!" Alex asserted, right as she pulled the trigger, firing the assault rifle at Dad. The sounds of nothing but gunshots echoed all throughout the entire field and the rest of the playground, turning into nothing more than a provisional battlefield. His eyes immediately changed colors; glowing blood red beneath his sunglasses. Nothing but numerous animalistic growls escaped through his thin lips.

The instant Dad's attention was fixed on Alex, he directed his gaze over at her. Clenching his fists and popping his knuckles before sprinting right at her; dodging the stream of bullets in slow motion, all while Alex persistently shot at Wesker. 'Now's my chance.' I thought to myself, as I closed my eyes again. I began to channel my energy and thoughts once more, pressing two fingers on both sides of my temple.

As I concentrated strenuously on making Dad disappear into thin air, whilst his attention was momentarily centered on Alex, nothing happened. He didn't disappear, vanish, nor fade away like I currently am right now. I closed my eyes and tried again, centralizing all of thoughts to focus on making Dad disappear, only to get the same result. Nothing. Nothing at all. 'What the hell!? I was easily able to make that assault rifle and bullet proof vest appear for Alex, but why can't make Dad fucking disappear?!? This is not good...'

"What's taking so long Laura?!" Alex shouted, as she blocked another one of Dad's panther fang attacks. Her assault rifle sitting only a few feet away from her, on the grass-covered ground.

"I don't know, Alex!" I shifted my gaze over towards my twin sister. "It's like he's a permanent part of me I can't erase!"

"That's because he is a part of you, Laura. He's our father after all," A hair-raising voice spoke up from behind me.

I turned around, seeing me. Standing about about ten feet far away from me. Well, the evil version of me technically, dressed in the black tactical gear I wore just hours earlier. Her slitted, feline-like eyes glowed bright red; exactly like Dad's. A tiny malicious smirk curled onto her lips, as she began to stroll over towards me. Like a predator closing in on its next prey.

"When are you gonna realize it, Laura? Huh? How are you supposed to move on if you can't even except the fact that our father is an infamous and notorious bioterrorist. A monster in your eyes. A demon that simply doesn't care about our well-being." Evil Laura walked up to me, pushing me onto the muddy ground with her gloved hands.

"But that's not true, Laura." I redirected my gaze—seeing another version me stand over me. The eight year old version of me when I was hospitalized.

"Daddy does care about you, about us. He loves us more you think, Laura. If he didn't, he would've never had come to see us at the hospital in the first place. Daddy would've left us for dead; we wouldn't even be alive right now."

"You need to face the facts Laura." I looked behind me—seeing another copy of me. Modeling the exact same clothing as me, except she's critically injured; virtually covered in blood from head to toe. She was clutching onto her bleeding stomach with both of her hands. Blood gushed from the various gun shot wounds, dribbling all over her hands and trickling onto the ground. "Whether you believe it or not, it's the truth. But if you don't admit it here soon, you'll end up dead just like me. Spending the rest of eternity rotting the ground."

"So if you want to live Laura, you have admit it!" Young Laura shouted, using her girly, childish tone of voice.

"Say it! Why do you fear our inhuman father even though he loves us dearly?! Tell us!"

𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 | 𝘼 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙀𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt