Chapter 6

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<<Tora's P.O.V>>

Many days went by, I opened up to a few people which were Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Asuma and many others. I realized that they were my friends. I was glad but I was still debating weather to go back to Orochimaru or not as I remembered he told me that he might be able to change me back if I seek him.

I shook that thought off, I won't let that ruin my morning. I pulled myself up from my comfy bed and headed to my bathroom. I've been living with Kakashi- San ever since that day. He and I consider each other as a family. Although I had brown hair, he considered me as his daughter as I consider him as my dad that I never had. Anyway, when I was done with the my normal routine, I headed out to the living room to find otou-san (father) slowly eating his breakfast while reading his ' interesting' book.

" Morning, otou-san." I mumbled as I took the seat opposite him and started to eat.

" Morning, Tora-chan." he replied, eyes glued on the perverted hermit's written book, Icha Icha tactics.

I finished my breakfast quickly and made my way to the sink to wash the dirty plate. I could believe he could eat so slow.

After I washed my plate, I headed to my room but fell down clutching my neck. My curse seal was activating again. Orochimaru damn it! My father instantly got up and pulled his mask up then swiftly picked me up bridal style and whispered into my ear that he was going to seal it. I slowly nodded at him and allowed him to take me wherever he was taking me.

A few minutes later, we reached our destination. . . A small room behind the hokage's mansion. He chained my hands and legs to the ground after I took my shirt off and started to write something with his blood on my body to the floor. He then warned me it was going to hurt. I nodded and screwed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain.

He made handsigns and started to seal my curse seal. I screamed in agony but shortly after it was done, I passed out into never ending darkness.

<< Kakashi's P.O.V>>

I watched as my little fox,Tora, screamed in pain as I was sealing the curse seal. It pained me to see her in pain. Soon as I was done, she closed her eyes and collapse to the ground. I swiftly caught her head and lowered it down on the floor, letting her be comfortable on the floor.

Suddenly a loud malicious laugh filled the room, causing me to spin around and get into the fighting stance. I knew that laughter anywhere, Orochimaru! I looked as a person with very pale skin, golden snake eyes and long black hair revealed himself. I remembered the last time Orochimaru and I met in this place which was to seal Sasuke's curse seal.

" Orochimaru! what business do you have here? I'm sure you sneaked in to Konoha for a reason." I stated.

" My my, you haven't change, still as helpful as ever." Orochimaru mocked. "However, I don't have anything that involves you. I want that lab rat behind you that's all." He replied as he made his way closer to me.

" You won't have her! I swear, you take another step near this girl, one of us will die here!" I shouted angrily, charging up my chidori.

" Hn. Nevermind anyway then, she'll come to me just like Sasuke-kun. I can make her come, there's no point for fighting now." he said with a sly grin before vanishing in the darkness.

My chidori deactivated when I sensed he was really gone. Slowly and carefully, I lifted Tora up and carried her to the hospital. I left her in the care of the doctors and left to report to the hokage about what had happened just minutes before.

I knocked on the door and went in when I had the permission to. I made my way to the hokage and told her everything.

<<Meanwhile, Tora's P.O.V(in the hospital)>>

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