Time skip
Sidon's P.O.V.

I woke up with Link snuggled to my side. He was snoring slightly and he had his arm draped across my neck. Last night we were both up late planning our wedding, so we both stripped down to our underwear and passed out.
Oh, wait shit, today's our wedding day. For Hylia's sake I'm tired. I turned to Link, who was still sound asleep. His eyebrows were furrowed and his freckled nose was crinkled like he was focusing. His hair was wild around his face, and it draped over his shoulders as he slept. Link's fingers reaches out in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open.
He looked up to me and smiled drowsily, "good morning my soon-to-be husband," he purred.
I smiled a toothy grin, "today's the day that you get stuck with me forever," I joked, pulling him closer and kissing his forehead.
He chuckled and snuggled into me. We stayed like that until a sharp knock rang out through the room, "your highness, it's time to get up. Tell your consort that he is to meet the royal stylist beside the statue of lady Mipha," Muzu called through the door.
I sighed, then turned to Link, chuckling, "well at least he acknowledged you this time," I joked, to which link rolled his eyes and rolled out of bed.
He threw on simple trousers and a tunic and turned back to me as he put his hair into its usual ponytail.
"Okay, I love you! I'll see you later today," he said as he turned on his heals and walked to the door.
"Wait!" I called to Link as I pulled myself from the bed. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him, "I love you too," I said as I kissed Link gently. He kissed me back, then wiggles from my grasp, smiling up at me.
"I'll see you later," he said as he slipped out the door and down the hallway. I sighed, closing the door and grabbing clothes. I threw them on quickly and went to go to my own stylist.

Link's P.O.V.

I sighed as I slipped off down the hallway. It was late morning, the air was crisp and clear, and the sky was cloudless. I heard clicks of boot heals behind me, I turned to see Zelda running up behind me, a huge smile on her face.
"Morning," I said simply as she came up and hugged me.
She pulled back, then held my face in her hands, looking into my eyes, "how're you feeling about everything? Are you sure about a public ceremony?" I admire that she knew that I'm nervous about that but I'm fine.
I smiled the best I could with her squishing my face, "I'm fine. I really do want to go through with this," I wiggled from her grasp and smiled warmly at her, "Alright, let's go see Vekan and Nikis,"
               She smiled wide, looping her arm through mine, "Alright. Let's get you prettied up," she said as she pulled me off towards the centre of the Domain.
              I saw the smaller pink Zora and the tall blue Zora standing beside the statue of Mipha. Vekan saw me and raised an arm to wave. I returned the gesture and walked a little faster, Zelda keeping pace beside me. I made it over to the two Zoras.
Vekan pulled me into a hug, "oh, I'm so happy for you Linny! Now let's go get you all handsome," he said, pulling back and starting off towards their dressing room.
Nikis smiled down at me, her teeth flashing and her blue scales multicoloured in the sun, "it's good to see you little guy," she said, clapping me on the back and knocking the wind from my lungs.
            I smiled and nodded, following her and Vekan into their studio. Vekan pulled the curtain back and ushered me into their studio. I ducked through the curtain, nodding to them.
             "Alright, strip down to your undergarments," Vekan said as he flicked through some fabric on his wall.
            I sighed as I pulled my tunic over my head. I looked down at my chest, it was marred by ugly puckered scars. I folded my arms over my chest, making a disgruntled noise.
          Nikis unfolded my arms, "listen, these are not ugly. They show your victories over evil. Flaunt them," she then joined Vekan at the fabric wall.
           I pulled my trousers down and stood awkwardly in my undergarments. I shifted on my feet, clearing my throat to catch Vekan's and Nikis' attention.
           Vekan turned around with an arm full of fabric, he was smiling widely, "Alright, blue looks amazing on you so I'm going with a base of blue. You have the Zora sapphire, correct?" He trotted over to me.
          I nodded towards my bag, "yeah, it's in there," I said simply. Nikis went over and dig through my bag for the sapphire. She grabbed it and set it aside, pulling out a sketchbook and waving it in my direction.
            "Would it be okay if I looked through here? It might help with creating an outfit," she stood and turned, her head cocked slightly to the side.
            I flushed a little, "uh, yeah, I guess," I was a little reluctant and she seemed to notice.
          She smiled wryly, "Are there any pages I should skip so I can keep the respect I have for the Prince?" I let out a squeak of surprise, shaking my head quickly. She smirked and opened the book.
          She flipped through, humming slightly, "you are really good, you know that Linny? Anyways I think I have some ideas, and the first things is to get rid of the blue fabric," she turned to Vekan, who looked a little offended.
          She went over and showed him some select sketches, "unless you want to do it in cool colours? I'm not to professional, but maybe with warm colours he'll match Prince Sidon?" Nikis turned to Vekan, who was shaking his head.
             "No, I have some ideas, and we are using cool tones to contrast with the Prince." He turned his attention from my sketchbook to Nikis, "it'll make them both pop," he then closed my book with a snap and passed it to Nikis as he picked up a pile of fabric.
         He trotted up to me, then he set the pile down by a slightly raised pedestal, "Alright, get on the stage, we gotta start," Vekan said, motioning to the pedestal.
           I sighed and obliged, this is going to be a long process.

Okay, so how is everyone liking this so far?

If there is anything you want to see in the wedding, let me know!

Alright, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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