Silence Ch. 1

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    My name is Silene. I was named Silene after the word silence. I was born with my eyes open wide and not making a sound. The doctors thought I would die soon after birth, but I didn't. I was a mute baby, and I have stayed mute my whole life.

    My parents never got me any babyish cards to talk with. In school, my parents asked all of my teachers to treat me exactly the way they treated normal students. Only one of my five teachers did that. My math teacher. He was as strict with me as any other kid. The other teachers always came over to my desk and checked on my work. They spoke slowly and loudly with me as if I were hard at hearing.

    One other thing is wrong with me. I see auras. I see different colors around people. My parents are both blue. Children have mixed colors around them. My classmates however all have dark purple auras, except for some who have red ones. When I look down at myself I am glowing white. I have yet to find another soul with my same aura. I have not figured out the meaning of the auras, but I have a feeling I will soon.

    One day, when I was younger, a strange boy walked into the class with my teacher. I rubbed my eyes as I looked at him again. He had a black aura. I stood from my seat in science as the teacher started introducing him.

    "Class this is Kyle R-" She looked at me oddly. I ignored her and walked up to the boy. His eyes were wide, and I could feel that mine were, too.

    "Silene...This is Kyle." She said slowly. I rolled my eyes and held my hand in front of him, palm facing towards him. He stared at my hand and put his up to it. They barely touched and we both pulled back. I felt a burning shock flow through me and then disappear. I could tell that he felt it, too. I looked at him and then at the teacher. I turned around and sat back down.

    I cringed as he sat down next to me. He touched my shoulder and I looked at him. He had hazel eyes like mine and dark brown hair. He looked away and started scribbling on his note pad so I figured he had only been trying to feel the shock again. When I started working again he poked me once more and I glared at him. He gave me the notebook that had words scrawled in messy handwriting on it. It read: Are you mute? I replied back with a nod of my head and handed it back to him. He smiled and pointed at himself. I looked him over and nodded. His black aura scared me, but he seemed nice enough.

    I held out my hand and half-heartedly smiled. He firmly grabbed it and we both felt the shock again. It wasn't like electrocution. It was more like a burst of energy. Warmth. Heat. He smiled and then looked towards the teacher. I did, too. We both glanced at each other and I could feel myself blushing. I slowly shrank down in my seat.

    This was going to be a memorable friendship.


I've finally gotten to rewriting this!  I'm trying to add more details and make more sense out of everything, but it might take a while because I've still got so much school. :3 If this is your first, or second time reading, please comment, vote, share, and maybe even fan! I appreciate you taking time to read! Thanks! ;D


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