Pill-holding giraffe teddy

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It takes longer than expected to stop the attack, and almost as long to clean my face afterwards. I avoid the gaze of the mirror, choosing not to look at my eyes for fear of seeing my blue replaced with the pale, malicious ones.

The bell rings and thankfully I manage to slip in among the crowd of people, in search for a few voices. Surprisingly, one voice stands out almost as soon as I get near.

"Lydia is totally M.I.A, Jackson looks like a he's got a time-bomb inserted into his face, and I think I sent Em into a panic attack and now I can't find her," Stiles rants, phone pressed against his ear, arms waving dramatically.

From what I can tell, he both didn't get the reaction he wanted, and got hung up on as he shoves his phone into his pocket.

When I get closer, i delicately tap him on the arm, hoping he won't comment on my puffy eyes and blotchy face. Or the gash on my brow.

His head snaps down to me, eyes wide and he throws his lanky arms around my waist. Next thing I know, I am lifted into the air, held in a bear hug by Stiles.

"Oh my god Em, I am so so so so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Are you okay? You need a hug? Food? Water?" his words almost blend together, his tongue working faster than his brain.

The hug was unexpected, as is the profuse apology and the teenagers around us stopping to whisper or watching us as they walk past. I notice some of them from my Chemistry class; most likely watching due to my over-dramatic and clumsy exit before.

Unsurprisingly, I retain my stiff posture that I force whenever I am hugged by anybody. Except for Mel.

"Um,"i try, although he still mumbles apologies into my shoulder, "Stiles?"

"I fell so horrible. Scott is gonna kill me if he ever puts his education before his girlfriend drama," He continues.

"Stiles!"He looks up.

"Please, put me down," I whisper stiffly. Stiles and I have had many odd interactions over the years, typically due to both of us being very awkward, but, much like the night Isaac stood me up, it is unnatural to be comforted by the brunet boy.

I am quickly lowered to my feet and I relax visibly once my red converse touch the ground.

"Sorry about that," he chuckles, "I, uh, I just felt bad and got worried and Scott ditched to spend the day with Allison and I have no idea what's going on or what happened at the Video Shack."

I know I should tell him. He and I have been dragged into this world because of Scott, so who can I rely on when things like this happen if not the only other human involved?

My eyes glaze over without warning.

The alpha attacking us shook me, but not enough to have this reaction. No, the cause of this is the eyes. The eyes that sent me back to the most dangerous person I have ever met, and the steel blue eyes that caused the most heartache I have ever felt.

The attack just forced the memories to resurface. The trauma to return.

I automatically cover my side. The oversized plaid shirt I wear leaves no risk of my scar showing, but the thought of the large mark on my skin haunts me.

Thankfully he notices my resolve and changes the topic, only slightly.

"I need to figure out what happened, and I'm also worried about Lydia so I'm gonna go interrogate her. Want me to take you home before I go?"

I shake my head, knowing I should tell him, "No, um, I'll come with you?" I say, more a question than a statement. I wait for him to nod slightly before continuing, "I can tell you what happened in Roscoe."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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