Ending Author's note

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Hey guys Alex here, I want to further express my gratitude for all of you who have read my Bad Wolf series and again big thanks to Aphmarvelfangirl  for the request that started it all (and for her permission to delete the request so that no one would get confused since I wrote it before I got CW on Blu-ray)

Now for those of you who maybe wondering if I'll continue the series when IW comes out the answer is a big.......fat.......HELL YES! But I want to wait till it comes out on DVD to begin is so that way I can plan ahead on how to fit all my new characters into the mix, plus I wanna see how the movie goes itself.

Again thank you all to those who have read both series and it really warms my heart that you all have like it sooooo much. And if you're looking for a new series to read and if you're also a LOTR fan, then check out my new series "Animal Mage" and as for any requsts, those won't be open till my semester ends in May (sorry but I still got essays to do this weekend before Awesome con in a couple of weeks were I'm gonna meet the some of the members GOTG plus Sean Gunn and Micheal "I'M MARY POPPINS YALL!!!!" Rooker, John Boyega and some other people)

So until next time this is Alex signing off *howls to the moon*


BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel to BAD WOLF*Where stories live. Discover now