Chapter 8; Siberian Confrontation

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well we are getting closer and closer to the end of the Civil War saga. I've decided to kinda BS and hopefully to make more chapters cause if I included the battle scene in this chapter the real Civil War saga would've only been 9 chapters so I'm gonna try and make Civil War last up to 10 chapters so the next chapter will be up in the next couple of days I promise you all I won't leave you hanging for very long. So be prepared for some feels in this chapter as well as the next one coming up in the next couple of days but I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)


A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of the engine dying down and my head still resting against Bucky's chest but this time I was curled up on his lap as he was seated back in his seat his arms wrapped around me still rubbing my back gingerly.

"You okay?" He asked me as he brushed some of the hair out of my face. I sniffled and wiped away my tearstains and said.

"I'm fine".

"You were calling out to Wanda in your sleep, and you kept apologizing to someone named Pietro". My eyes widened then I looked down sadly. "That was the brother's name, wasn't it?" I didn't say a word then Steve said.

"You can sit this one out if you don't feel up to it (y/n). I know losing Wanda back there was hard enough for you as it is. I'll understand if you don't want to continue on".

"No, this is what Wanda wanted me to do and damnit I'll finish it, plus you old guys couldn't track a goat without my sense of smell". I stated as I got off Bucky's lap.

The two of them just gaped at me as I smirked at them and readied myself to track down this psychiatrist once and for all. After Bucky had grabbed a gun from Nat's personal collection, I suddenly felt a jacket wrap around me.

"You'll need this" I heard Bucky say.

"Thanks but no thanks. Internal wolf heating, thanks to Bad Wolf I could pretty much go to Antarctica in just a tank top and feel absolutely nothing. But I appreciate the gesture Bucky-bear". I handed him back the jacket with a soft smile.

Only reconnecting with each other for barely a day and already he's becoming like my brother. He took the jacket back and tossed it aside and said.

"Alright, but don't come crying to me about how cold you are in the end".

"Please". I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at him.

It was then the door began to open and Steve and Bucky stood side by side when Steve brought up an old memory of theirs.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?"

"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hotdogs?" Bucky teased at him.

"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead" stated Steve.

"What was her name again?"

"Dolores, you called her Dot".

"She's gotta be 100 years old by now".

"So are we pal" Steve then placed a brotherly hand on Bucky's shoulder and the two of them looked at each other. I smiled softly at the two friends finally reconnecting with each other after so long then we stepped out of the quinjet and stood right before the Siberia Hydra base. The door was opened and I sniffed the air a few times before stating.

"I'm getting no more than a few hours".

"Long enough to wake them up" said Bucky. Steve first entered followed my me then Bucky. We took an elevator downwards and nodded to each other in silent conversations then once the elevator stopped and opened up, Steve lifted up the cage part up and said.

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