Chapter 7

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"I think I am going to leave now..." Peter said. He cleared his throat and licked his lips. "I'll talk to you later?" He was looking straight at me, and I could tell that he was afraid. He was afraid of these two men that stood in front of us, and I couldn't understand why.

I shook my head. "Can you take me back to the house that I live in now?" My head was starting to pound, and all I wanted to do was take a bath before going to bed. "It's been a long and overstimulating day."

Peter stayed silent. His heart started to beat with fear, and I was sure that it was because of Sam and maybe the way he was looking at her. "Um..."

"Take her," Max said, soothingly. He silenced Sam somehow before looking at me. "How are you getting overstimulated?"

I waved my hands in front of my face and made a face. "I can't see," I replied in a duh tone. "My other senses are much more... acute than a normal human. Everyone has their own scent, and I can smell it. I can hear and feel the footfalls of someone, so I know who is coming near me. When a person goes by me, I can feel where they are going and sense when they stop close to me. It gives me a headache if I am not used to it."

"What about school?" Sam asked. He had a look on his face, and I could sense this smug aura around him. He was trying to stump me, which was not going to work.

"Well, I am used to that," I said, sarcastically. "I have been in regular public school since I started school, only getting some accommodations that I think is necessary because the lady that "raised" me didn't care about me."

"I'll... take her back to the house now?" Peter asked. He shied back, and I couldn't help but imagine them as wolves with Sam and Max being the "lead" wolves with Peter just the Omega, the weak link with a hidden talent that hasn't been discovered yet.

"Take her," Max said, and some growled a warning. Max coughed, trying to cover the growl, but it didn't work because I had heard it.

"Come on, Carley," Peter said. He gently grabbed my arm and started to pull me somewhere. "We'll make sure that you don't get "overstimulated" with everyone," he promised. "I know a way that doesn't make you walk through the people."

I took a deep breath and let it out. My body relaxed as I felt the cool air of the woods and the trees around me. As we got deeper into the forest, I felt more at peace because I didn't have that much going around me.

All that surrounded me was nature itself, and I couldn't help but feel more at home.


"Hey, Carley?" Peter asked when we were earshot from the party. He had let go of my hand and watched as I navigated through the woods, using both my feet and walking stick.

"Hmmm?" I asked, looking over at him. I was feeling more at ease in the woods; the sounds of the party fading into the distance.

The crickets and other bugs chirped in the distance, the sound calming me and reminded me of the wakeful nights I had at the orphanage.

"Can you... teach me how to fight..? I-I want to learn, but..." The movement of his shoulder went up and down in a shrug. "...they won't let me."

"Learn how to fight?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Oh... uh... ya. They wouldn't let me learn how to fight. They thought it wasn't fitting for me to learn how to defend myself." His voice grew softer with each word as if he was ashamed to admit it.

"You know of a place where we can train in peace?" I asked, fiddling with my staff. The cool wood felt good underneath my fingertips, the wood soft from the use of it.

Carvings have been carved into the staff only to be covered again for protection. Whatever these carvings meant was something that I didn't question. The only reason that I knew about them was that I had felt them before they were covered again.

"Yes," Peter said, and I could tell that he nodded his head. "There is a place before the community's end that has a place that is hidden from view. I can show it to you tomorrow if you want."

I nodded my head. "Then, I will teach you how to fight," I replied. "But, you have to do what I say when I say it. Deal?"


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