Chapter 41

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John cleared his throat and stopped in front of something before he looked at me, and I stopped beside him. He didn't say a word while I looked around before I looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Is there a reason why we have stopped in front of whatever this thing is?" I asked while I cocked my head, pressing my lips into a thin line. "Or do you want me to do some sort of "test" for whatever reason?"

John cleared his throat while he shifted on his feet again. "Well, we have stopped in front of a rock wall face," he said and gestured toward the area to his side, and I again looked that way without seeing anything before I looked at him again with a blank look on my face.

John cleared his throat a third time but this time to hide a chuckle. "Go ahead and face it again before you put your hand out and take a step forward," he said. "You will feel what I am talking about as soon as you do that, Carley."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and pursed my lips in annoyance before I looked that way. I didn't say a word while I took a step forward and flicked my wrist so that my staff would hit the ledge before I touched it.

Sure enough, there was a rock wall standing there, and I looked at John again, not knowing what he was trying to do and why he wanted me to reach out and touch it.

"It's safe," John said before he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet, and I had a feeling that his cheeks turned red. "Well, it is safe for those that can see, but I think you would like what you can "see" as soon as you are up there."

"But I can't see," I said and waved my hand in front of my face, earning a small snort from John. "Why don't you understand that, John?"

John sighed and tucked his head closer to his chest. "I do understand that, Carely," he said with a small hum in his voice. "However, for some reason, there are times when it looks like you can see." He paused and cocked his head to the side, keeping his head closer to his chest. "Don't tell me that you are afraid."

I bit back a small snort and rolled my eyes, pursing my lips in annoyance. "I am not scared, John," I said coldly. "However, that doesn't mean I am not cautious." I gestured toward the rock walk. "And I am cautious about this and about what you want me to "see" after we climb up this rock wall."

John slowly nodded and cleared his throat again. "I know," he said softly. "However, I can assure you that it is safe. I wouldn't put you in danger if I knew that you couldn't handle it." He shook his head and cleared his throat a third time while he shifted on his feet. "Please," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Can you at least try?"

I bit back a small sigh and slowly nodded, closing my eyes a little. "Ok," I said, relenting ever so slightly while I pursed my lips in annoyance. "I will do it." I paused and cleared my throat while I shifted on my feet, getting very nervous. "Will you tell me what you want me to see when I am up there?"

John chuckled and slowly nodded. "Yes," he promised. "I will tell you why I want you to do this after we get up there." He paused and licked his lips. "Do you want me to take your staff with me, or do you think that you will be able to handle it while you climb?"

"I'll be able to handle my staff while I climb up the rock wall," I said with a quick nod before I turned my attention back to the rock wall. I bit the inside of my lip and furrowed my brows while I took another step toward the wall and reached out to touch it. "Are there hand holds for me to use?" I asked while I felt the cold rock wall and let my hand gently slide down it.

"Yes," he said and nodded in confirmation. "Do you want me to tell you where to start putting your hands?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

"No," I said and shook my head. "I don't need your help." I paused and licked my lips again. "Thank you, though, John," I said, earning a small chuckle from him.

"Of course," he said and cleared his throat, growing serious while he stood taller. "I would like to say that you can not take your time unless you want to miss what I want you to feel. I would like to apologize for it, but that's how it is."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and slowly nodded, pursing my lips into a thin line. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat and flicked my staff and stuffed it into the back of my shirt to make sure that my hands were free.

I took a deep breath and released it with a small whoosh before I took another step forward until I was close to the rock wall and placed both hands on it to feel where I would be able to put my hands and feet so that I would be able to climb up this rock wall.

Oh, Goddess, protect me, I silently prayed, taking a deep breath before releasing it with a small whoosh. Please, don't let this hurt me as badly as I think it could.

I breathed a small sigh of relief when I felt one of the ledges that I was able to grab before I felt another one. "Oh, thank, Goddess," I said, my voice barely above a whisper before I lifted one foot and found one off the bat.

"Good, Carely," John praised from behind me, sounding a little closer but not close enough to touch me. "Keep going. You can do this."

I held back an eye roll but didn't say a word while I lifted my last foot and found a ledge that was higher up than the one I had with my other foot.

As soon as I was stable with those four ledges, I moved one of my hands and pushed with the higher leg until I was able to blindly reach for another ledge, making sure to stay as stable as I could while I did so.

And thankfully, it didn't take me long to find another and another ledge, and I was slowly but surely climbing up the rock walk, making sure that I was steady before I went up the next step.

I could feel John behind me, watching my back, and I couldn't help but feel grateful that he was there because I had no idea if I was going to slip and fall to my death.

"You are doing good," John said. "You are almost there. Ok?"

I breathed a small sigh of relief and slowly nodded while I pressed my lips into a thin line. I didn't say a word while I continued to climb the rock wall before I paused when I couldn't feel anything to grab above my head.

What the fuck..?

"You are at the top," John said. "Go ahead and place your hand on the ground and start to move your body that way."

I pressed my lips into a thin line and slowly nodded. "Then duck a little because I don't want you to get hurt by my cane," I said, earning a small chuckle from John.

"I will be fine," he promised. He cleared his throat and grew serious. "Now, go ahead and do what I told you to do, please."

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I slowly nodded and did what I was told to do, moving my legs up first before I moved my whole body toward the top of the wall and crawled the rest of the way up, biting back a small sigh of relief.

Thank Goddess...

I closed my eyes and slowly relaxed while I laid down there, trying to gain my breath and composure.

John bit back a small chuckle and cleared his throat, growing serious. "Now, are you able to move so that I can get up?" he asked, and I had a feeling that he raised an eyebrow in question. "We are almost out of time, and I want to get you there before it begins and ends."

The Blind Werewolf Princess (1st book of Werewolf Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt