how we met ;

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The day Yoongi and Hoseok met Taehyung and Jimin, they were having ice cream at a park close to their department.

Hoseok didn't like going to his headspace in public, fearing being shamed for it and laughed at. But he had been pretty stressed, that being why they had went to the park and ate ice cream. While little space helped him de-stress, he needed fresh air, so he asked Yoongi if they could have ice cream and a nice day at the park. He looked longingly at the kids, envying how carefree they looked. All playing and being childlike and enjoying life without a worry. And there he was, stressing on his last and hardest year of college while having a part time job (Yoongi had told him he could manage, could get a second job if he had to so he wouldn't have to work and stress himself more, given how delicate Hoseok was in that sense, but the younger hadn't wanted Yoongi to bear it all alone and, stubborn as he was, told the other he would work and did). He didn't blame Yoongi or anything for having to, because he was the one who did it, but that didn't mean he wouldn't get stressed. And he was. So, so stressed. Every now and then, he felt how he started to slip into little space and all the times it had happened, he shook his head like he was trying to wake himself, because he didn't want to slip in public, with so many people around. He tried to enjoy his ice cream and the park without slipping into his headspace, his hand and Yoongi's interlocked on his thigh, the older caressing his hand with his thumb. While it calmed him, it also made him try to slip into little space more. Yoongi in general tended to make him so relaxed he slipped without noticing. He was comforting and warm and took care of him always. He made him feel cared for, like he didn't have to worry so much because Yoongi would always be there, taking all the weight he could off his shoulders, helping him whenever and with everything he could.

He felt himself slipping, and he tried to stop it, but he couldn't.


Ugh, he already couldn't curse.

“Da-… Yoongi. Yoongi, we need to go,” he said agitated. “Hobi's sli-slipping.”

He felt the tears accumulate in his eyes, his vision getting blurred. Oh God, he didn't want to slip in public. Neither he nor little he.

Yoongi turned his head around so fast Hoseok worried he had hurt himself. His cat-like eyes widened and from his mouth a low ‘shit’ escaped. He furrowed his brows.

“No cuwses, daddy.”

Oh, no. He was slipping too fast.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Come on, baby. We need to go. Now.” He took the younger's hand on his and, before he could drag his boyfriend to their house, two guys stepped in front of them, one blonde and shorter than Yoongi, and the other taller than Hoseok and with orange hair.

“Daddy! Daddy! I towd you he was wike me too!,” the taller boy said.

Both Yoongi's and Hoseok's eyes widened, the younger hiding behind the mint haired boy.

“Daddy, I wanna go,” he whimpered.

The shortest male took a step forward. “I have a car. Want me to give you a ride?” He had sensed both wanted to get out of that park as fast as possible, even if his little hadn't.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, and the younger nodded, he wanted to go home. And the fact that the other boy was a little too, for some reason comforted him and made him trust both boys.

“Yes, please,” talked Yoongi, rapidly following the blonde guy.

When they got to the car, they sat on the backseat and Hoseok flung himself to his daddy's arms, whimpering and tears escaping his eyes.

“Sh, sh. It's okay, baby. We're going home now. And no one saw you nor heard you slip. We're safe here.” He hugged the younger tightly and kissed his head, inhaling that soft vanilla scent he loved so much.

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