"You encouraged him to court me!?" I snarled out, my eyes rippling into an icy blue. Agni flinched back and nodded, looking away from me. "You are going to be the one to tell him that a servant can't marry royalty." I glared at him. Realization flashed across his face and it looked like he wanted to smack himself. "I had forgotten that small bit of information..." He muttered. I rolled my eyes and we got back to work, finishing up cooking dinner.

"What's for supper?" The sound of Finny's voice made me smile. I looked up to see the gardener peeking through the door, which was cracked open ever so slightly. "Perfect timing, Fin Fin!" I giggled, amused by the dreamy look on his face. The boy walked in and looked over my shoulder and into the pot in front of me. "It smells amazing, Mimi! You're such a great cook!" His praise made me blush. "It wasn't all me, Finny. Agni helped as well." I laughed lightly as Finny thanked Agni with fervour.

"Would you like to taste test it? To make sure it's ready for the table?" I asked, holding a ladle filled with the stew. Finny's turquoise eyes lit up, the orbs twinkling as he rushed over and took the spoon gently. I waited, watching Finny's face as he sipped the broth before beginning to chew on a piece of meat. The teen gasped and his mouth dropped open. "I-It's so amazing!" He cheered, his grin large and cheerful.

Happy he liked it, I jumped up and gave him a peck on his cheek before turning away to ready the stew for the table. As I did this, I missed the heavy blush rise to Finny's face and the look that Agni had given me.

"Would you like to help us finish the meal up, Finnian?" Agni asked, something I couldn't detect in his voice. "M-Me?!" I turned around at his shocked voice. Agni nodded at the teen. "But I don't know my own strength, so Sebastian says I can't touch the kitchen stuff..." I clenched my jaw at his words. That stupid demon! He's lucky I don't rip that tongue of his out!

"So you're strong! Excellent! We need to mash and then puree these potatoes, but it's a lot of work." I smiled at Agni's sweet nature. "Even I might be able to do that! I want to! Please let me!" I giggled at Finny's excitement.

Agni stepped out of the room for a moment, leaving just Finny and I. As he began to mash the potatoes, I began getting everything ready for the dessert. "Bambi." Finny started, making me go on alert. He never uses my name unless he's serious. "What's wrong, Finny?" I frowned, glancing at him as I pulled out a large bowl. "You need to eat something soon." I stiffened at his words. He was right. I was beginning to feel faint, and I had used the last bit of energy I had saved up to heal myself. But I wasn't going to let him know that. "I'm fine, Fin Fin. I promise. I can go a few more days without eating." I felt is glare on the back of my head. I sighed, relenting, and turned to him.

He smiled, relieved. I felt the same hesitation fill me as I closed my eyes, getting ready. It all disappeared in seconds when the door opened up and I saw Sebastian enter the room. Swiftly, I rushed back over to my station as Finny sighed and went back to mashing the potatoes. "How's dinner going?" He asked, surprised to see Finny helping without breaking anything.

"Thanks to Finny and Agni, I believe it will be delicious." I smiled, thankful for the interruption.


Sebastian set Soma's dinner down in front of him, while I set Ciel's down in front of him. I felt Ciel's gaze on me and I tried my best to ignore it, taking my place by his side. I heard the earl sigh and he looked over at Soma. "How long do you people intend to stay here?" He asked, aggravated. "We'll leave when our business is finished." I tuned out of the conversation, choosing instead to think back on Ciel's words.

The man he had heard. The voice. I saw him die, but could he have... I shook my head slightly. No, I've been over this. I watched him burn. My thoughts were interrupted by Ciel. "That's a lot of fuss over one servant." I let out a soft gasp as another memory resurfaced, bringing with it a familiar pain.

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