Episode 13.3

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Ciel seemed to have a faint smile on his face after I said this. With a smile of my own, I stood up to get ready to go to my own room to sleep. Ciel's hand wrapped around my wrist, preventing me from going very far. I looked down to the young earl. He wasn't looking at me.

"Stay in here tonight." His whispered voice almost didn't reach my ears, but the frightened tone in it made me frown. He's still scared from that nightmare. What on Earth could have happened that was so bad?

I held back a sigh and say back down on his bed. Still not looking at me, he pulled back the cerulean covers and allowed me to slip under them. Although we had done this once before, it still seemed wildly inappropriate to me, however, it was what he wished, so I complied with his 'order'. As I curled up under his covers, I felt my face heat up when his breath ran across the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, evening out my breathing in hopes I would magically pass out.

Minutes go by and I'm still not asleep. I had given up on getting rest at this point. Something is going to go very wrong. I can feel it. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. I mused to myself.

"Bambi, are you awake?" I stopped myself from stiffening at the sound of Ciel's soft voice. I kept quiet, wondering what he was going to say. He sighed softly. I felt him turn in the bed, as if he were now on his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Guess that's a no." He muttered. I furrowed my brow, wondering what was on his mind.

"Perhaps I should tell you while you're awake, but sometimes it's hard to talk to you regarding certain subjects. I can never predict what you'll say, or how you'll react." I heard him roll back over on his side so that he was facing my back. "That horrible nightmare I had. It was about you." I frowned at the information. I kind of guessed that when you shouted my name in your sleep. "I've been getting them more frequently since the whole escapade with Drossel." The dollmaker? I scowled at the memory. What does he have to do with any of this?

"I should have told you sooner, but that night, after you had been kidnapped, there was this voice in my head." I felt myself stiffen at his words. "It was telling me that I wouldn't be able to save you and that you'd die. Finally it told me that it created you, that it wasn't just a voice in my head." I bit back a horrified gasp. No. It couldn't be...

"He said that I'd meet him soon. That's the last thing I heard from the voice, I haven't heard it since. But ever since it disappeared, I've been having those nightmares. They're awful. I keep seeing you dying over and over again. There's nothing I can do about it, I just stand there, watching as some monster murders you." I heard small sniffles coming from him as his voice wavered. "H-He punches a hole thr-through your chest and y-you just..." My heart twisted as he began to cry again. Not being able to handle it anymore, I turn over and sit up, bringing the earl into yet another hug. Ciel stiffened in my hold before crawling into my lap and hugging me back.

After a few moments, his sniffles became few and far between as I held him. "Why do you do this to me?" He whispered, catching my attention. "Do what, Ciel?" I furrowed my brows as I looked down at the curled up earl. "Make me weak." I inhaled sharply at his words.

"W-We should really try to sleep, Master." I felt him stiffen when I didn't say his name. I winced. I let Ciel go as he crawled back under the covers and turned away from me.

I sat there for awhile, watching as his breathing evening out and his heartbeat slowed. I gently layed back down and closed my eyes, but not before whispering out, "Why do you hate it when I call you that?" With no answer, I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Ciel's PoV-

I heard her quiet question and sighed softly to myself. After finally knowing she was asleep, I answered it. "Because I like hearing my name fall from your lips."

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