" Um..What do you need?" Jimin questions clinging onto Taehyung's arm for safety.

" This may sound silly..." Mutters Hoseok looking down at his thin hands and playing with his fingers to express nervousness. " But May I join you guys?"

" Huh?" Jimin blinks twice meanwhile Taehyung only smiles delightedly.

" This is our new friend Jibooty. I spoke to him the day he dragged me away and we both noticed that his ' friends' were no good to him." Taehyung informs Jimin meanwhile the shy Hoseok shifted awkwardly. Then the aesthetically pleasing male turned to Hoseok. " So...Did you really stop being friends with them?"

" Well...I have but haven't told them exactly." Hoseok admits still playing with his fingers.

" Oh... so it's a silent screw- you kind of thing." Tae mutters something that neither Jimin and Hoseok understood.

" Well I don't mind, Go ahead and make yourself comfortable here." Jimin who had been listening politely gestured Hoseok the seat in front of them.

" Thank you!" A bright smile finally made it's way out of Hoseok's face. The older male put his tray down first before settling himself on one of the round seats. The rest however became awkward nonetheless they should be alright. " So..We should introduce ourselves. I am Kim Taehyung but my friend here calls me BubbleTae. I love shopping and wearing snap backs but what I adore more about fashion is that I always want to wear something new. Also, don't make a mockery out of me but I like genderless fashion." As Taehyung told throughout description of himself Jimin is trying not to laugh at how comfortable Taehyung is already. Hoseok could not keep his eyes away from the other male as he nodded and lost himself in Taehyung's godly features. " Jimin your turn." Taehyung held the carton of strawberry milk close to Jimin's lips as if it were a microphone. Jimin didn't know any better, he thanked Taehyung and drank from the straw only to have it abruptly pulled out of his mouth. " No! This is a microphone." Taehyung cried making Hoseok erupt into laughter.

" Oh....oh well I am Park Jimin. I am nineteen years old. I enjoy watching and reading stuff, mostly mystery and detective things. I also entertain myself with Romance comedy." Jimin gazes at the white ceiling of the cafeteria while he though of what to say. " Hah...I'm not really that interesting." Jimin concludes dropping his gaze to the table.

" He's a lovable plush with a big heart and a big ass too. He's caring, shy at the first meeting but is actually loud and abusive-" Taehyung storms in with a quantity of details for his best friend.

" Hey!" Jimin shouts whacking Taehyung right on his arm.

" Point proven!" Taehyung says and they all laugh together with the silent atmosphere slowly getting chased away by an uplifting one.
" Your turn." Taehyung repeats his previous action but this time towards the new guy on the table.

" Well I am Jung Hoseok, I am nineteen years old and I am in love with Anime!" He admitted too cheerfully causing Jimin to clap and nod enthusiastically.

" Me Too!" He said high fiving Hoseok. " What genre do you like?"

" Action and adventure is for me." Hoseok replies.

" I am a shoujo, High school romance kind of person." Jimin giggles pointing a thumb towards himself. Taehyung releases a loud but fake snore and pretended to had just woken up. " Um what? I fell asleep with you boring Otakus." Taehyung bites his inner lip in order to hide his upcoming laughter. Of course as proud Anime Fans, Jimin and Hoseok wouldn't let Taehyung get away alive with that insult. The environment was well for them indeed. Their sole table shined from happiness and protection as the boys forgot their daily problems. Taehyung forgot about being molested, Hoseok at last felt cheerful and he felt like if he belonged somewhere, Jimin whom carries more problem than two had distracted himself well but only for a few minutes before he was cut short. By a certain red head. It started with a bang, No one even saw it coming as Chanyeol slipped in to sit next to Jimin. All current loudness stopped and everyone, especially Hoseok frowned from the intolerable presence. Chanyeol had rested his head against the palm of his hand for support and cocks his eyebrows up from the reaction.

Dare devil Taehyung is the first to speak.
" Why.is.your.unpleasant.ass.on.our.table?" When he dropped those words each one with a pause, hoseok's jaw dropped and his eyes dilated. Jimin too had to close his eyes right and mentally cringed from Taehyung just having to say that. " Really Taehyung? Really? Those words to one of the strongest popular guys? Really?' Jimin had mental fight with Taehyung. But his eyes never left chanyeol whom shot a death glare at the other and thankfully he ignored Tae before smiling up at Jimin instead.

" Hello there." He spoke forcing Jimin to become more and more uncomfortable under his gaze and oh, chanyeol is not going to get away from disregarding dare devil Taehyung who stood up from his side of the seat, walked around it over to Jimin and chanyeol and tapped the gigantic male harshly.

" Get the fuck up stupid." Taehyung orders making sure to deepen his voice.

" Tae no!" Jimin whisper yells but it was already too late. Chanyeol is known not to have a tolerance. The red head stood up from the table towering the poor lamb who didn't even cower away from the sight.

" I'm up what now?" Chanyeol buffed his chest and his arms and stared at Taehyung's perfection. ' Well shit he looks cute too.' Chanyeol thinks as his aggression subsided. But not entirely.

" Well I don't know if you've noticed but you're not wanted in this table. So get your ass somewhere else." Taehyung has said and in return Chanyeol jerked his arm and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Taehyung did not hesitate either to slap chanyeol across the face. The audience who has been watching can feel themselves get tensed up, in anger that someone dared to touch Chanyeol in that matter. " Bitch! Let me go." Taehyung groans. By now Hoseok had jumped from his seat to wrap his arms around chanyeol's waist and attempted to pull him away from Taehyung. Jimin felt like going into tears from the fear of his best friend getting hurt. He also helps Hoseok by pulling but chanyeol held his ground. He had lifted his hand ready to punch Taehyung but Hoseok and Jimin's pulls was causing it to be postponed.
" Let me go you two fucks." He growls.

Taehyung delivers yet another slap and it was expected for chanyeol to have gone mad by now, except he couldn't do anything to Taehyung because someone punched chanyeol hard enough to cause him to tumble. That someone wasn't Taehyung. Everyone inside the cafeteria stood bewildered at Jungkook's sudden appearance. The fans couldn't believe what he had done. They re-call Jungkook being in a relationship with Jimin, they put the pieces together and they all felt disappointed at him who had betrayed his own friend. The red head himself was glaring at Jungkook while panting on the floor. The side of his cheeks bled again and he was ready. Ready to kill Jungkook.

But the black haired barely payed attention to him. " Jimin are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jungkook asked placing his hands on Jimin's shoulder to carefully examine him. Jimin nods too shocked to speak. Then Jungkook, looks over at Taehyung whom was also ready to pick a fight with the black haired. " What about you? Are you okay?" Taehyung decided against it and nodded. For once, Jungkook seemed not-so-annoying. Jimin couldn't believe it as he stared at the other without speaking. Did he really just save him? A whole different idea was introduced inside his head. ' Maybe Jungkook was not that bad.'

His skinny jeans | JikookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang