Book nine: Corruption

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"Hello my dear... my name is Slade... but you can call me... Master."
I saw Damian behind the figure that just spoke. I growled. "Where am I?!" I growled. He slapped me right across the face.
"Do not speak! Unless spoken to." He yelled kicking me in the stomach. I flinched in pain.
"But you did speak to me dummy." I mumbled under my breath and he then kicked me once more in the gut leaving me gasping for air and coughing.
"Now my dear... there's someone who you should meet." He said and instantly Damian unlocked the cuffs and I dropped to the ground.
"Get up." He growled. I didn't want to listen but I feared for my life and listened.
"Good girl, if you follow the rules, then you will like it here." He said.
I couldn't tell if it was an opinion or a command so I said nothing. He brought me to this scratched up door. He unlocked it slowly and pushed me in standing in the doorway. Inside the room was a girl. I couldn't tell how old she was because of how best up she was. Her very long hair was a mix of light pink, light blue, and blonde.
"You know who she is... don't deny what you know." Slade chuckled.
"" I gasped.
She smiled sadly up at me and nodded. I saw the pain and fear in her eyes. I fell to my knees. She reached out for me. Damian quickly came over and kicked her away dragging me away screaming. He threw me back into a cell.
"You jerk!! My mother was alive this entire time and you were keeping her here!" I shrieked. He kicked me and punched me. "Don't ever speak to me like that again!!" He yelled. He slammed the door behind him leaving me in the dark. This whole time I thought my mom was in the phantom zone. No... she was alive this whole time..
With him...

Dick's POV
We had watched the footage. She had been taken by Slade! I had promised myself to protect her. Bruce was enraged. I felt as if it was all my fault! She had been through so much in life, and when it was finally starting to get better, she got thrown spiraling downwards!! Bruce was down in the batcave trying to find out where the heck she was. But wherever she was was blocking her trackers. Her life had been there so quick. Kidnapped more times than we could count, threatened and hurt even more, her brother had died, and everything she cares about is slowly disappearing. Bruce never even allowed her to go to college! She wasn't given the life she deserved. And wherever she is... I will find her...

10 months later

Lucy's pov
I had been stuck here for who knows how long. Slade had shown me things no one should know. Injected me with more venoms and so many things and it was more than I could count! Maybe that's why I felt so strongly towards slade's cause. My family never came for me, Slade said they didn't care. I did miss them though. Especially my kids and husband... I only wished that beastboy had found a new wife, a new mom for the kids! I would never be fit for that role ever again...

No one's pov (A/N: so basically third person.)

Lucy was currently in training with damian. They were training to take down the bat family. It was as if Lucy didn't remember anything of her previous life. She did.. but she hid it. She didn't even know if her mother was still alive after that one time of seeing her. As they got ready to leave, Damian put on his black and orange jumpsuit and Lucy's her black one. She put on her mask that hid some of her face. Everyone would know it was her though. No one could forget those eyes... Slade had sent a mysterious tip about where they were going. Lucy hoped the would show up, for two reasons: one; to save her.. and the get revenge...

A few hours later
With batman

Batman has told the others about the mysterious tip about Slade. He was in utter shock. It had been almost a year since Lucy had gone missing. He was determined to find her and he would.

At the hideout.

Slade brought lucy and Damian to where they were to kill the justice league. Lucy hid her fear hoping they would rescue her but at the same time mad at them. The time came when they arrived. Batman and Nightwing and the others saw Lucy, Slade, and Damian. Lucy was almost unrecognizable. She was so tiny and thin, her ribs showing through the jumpsuit. She looked so frail, and was covered in cuts and scars. Dick winced at the pain he remembered going through. She looked much worse. They saw her mouth the words
'I'm sorry.' Before they started to fight. Tears in Lucy's eyes. Slade had her and Damian fight them. A while into the fight, Lucy felt herself getting weaker and weaker. Dick threw his staff at her. It hit her full on in the chest throwing her back. She slammed into a brick wall and fell to the ground unconscious."Foolish little brat!" Deathstroke yelled then fled, leaving Damian and Lucy behind. Damian ran in front of Lucy holding his swords out. "Don't come any closer!" He growled at dick. Batman came up behind him and knocked him out. Bruce carried Damian and dick carried Lucy into the batjet and went to the cave.

Lucy Quinn Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang