The End is Here

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*Authors Point Of View*

Hey my beautiful readers! I am overwhelmed with the positive reactions I have gotten with this story. I mean over 3000 reads? Like wtf! It legit made me cry; you have no idea what it means to me. I have loved writing this story, but now it has come to an end. Last chapter felt like a good place to end it and I was beginning to lose ideas for this story. In the future I may or may not write a sequel, I don't know, but for now this is it. Thank you so much for everything and I will continue to write for that is my passion, but with other stories. If you ship pewdiecry I am writing a fanfic about that and also if you are a troyler shipper check out my friends fic (also on this account) Only into twd? my other friend has an imagine book about twd on this account so you can check that out too if you please.

Allright I love you all and this is sad for me, but I knew the end would come eventually. Byee <3

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