Chapter 9- Almost A Kiss?

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~Beth's POV~

In silence we walked for what felt like eternity. But, eternity turned out to be only half a day. The sun was still high up in the sky and if it wasn't for the shade of the trees, I would be burning up. Lucky for us, there had only been a few walker run ins through out the day. Daryl had taken care of it with ease and I hadn't even had to lift my knife. Just a few days ago I appreciated his concern and the way he took care of me. Now, he was being a jackass and ignoring me. Yet, he still found it necessary to guard me like I was some valuable cargo. His actions kept contradicting themselves. It left me with a confused feeling in my stomach.

I felt like the harder I tried to make him trust me, the harder he pushed me away. It was an endless cycle that always resulted in me being pushed farther and farther out of his heart, and having to start over. The game was getting tiring. It was obvious Daryl and no interest in having me be his friend and especially not anything more. I must handle my problems on my own from now on. The walkers Daryl took out earlier, I could have handled myself. Independence was a concept I was going to have to get real familiar with. This time I was going turn the tables. If he wanted to push me away, two can play that game.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed how bright my surroundings had quickly become. We had come to the end of the forest. In front of us laid a quaint little town. In was almost like in the movies. Small little houses and abandoned shops lined the single street. Each house was worn down and looked as if it was taken sometime from the past and placed here. The view brought a faint smile upon my face. Between the few building, there was bound to be some useful supplies. This brought me a wave of relief. Since we had to make such a hasty escape from the cabin, we had left nearly all our supplies behind. Finding supplies in this town could be the difference between life and death.

Daryl pointed silently to the closest building. He brought a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I felt a twinge of annoyance. Walkers could be anywhere, I'm not that stupid that I would make a bunch of noise. Rolling my eyes, I picked up the pace and reached the first building. It was a light, faded pink with white paint chipping of the railing of the front deck. It had that pleasant feel of an old simple home. My chest tightened when it reminded me of the farm I lived on with Daddy. The familiar wetness returned to my eyes and I blinked, willing it to disappear.

Daryl seemed to notice my mood change, because his eyebrows furrowed in concern. That was the only sign he was worried for me.  In the past I wouldn't have noticed his subtle signs. Now to even understand him a little bit, I have too. Maybe, he didn't actually care. It was pretty easy to misunderstand him. If he did feel concern or anything for me, It didn't matter at this point. I was done with him. Brushing the tears out of my eyes, I gave him a lot of defiance. To my surprise he just turned away. That wasn't a very" Daryl" thing to do. I just pushed all my thoughts away and headed for the building.

Once we climbed up the stairs and reached the door, I went to turn the knob. Daryl grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "No, let me go first. There could be walkers right on the other side of the door. Let me handle this," he explained. I yanked my wrist away and gave him my best death glare. "Fuck you," I said with ice dripping in my tone, "I can handle myself, thank you very much." He just nodded and stepped aside. I turned the unlocked door knob and walked straight in. With my knife in hand, I looked around the room for any sign of danger. When I saw none, I put my knife back in my belt. Daryl however, kept his bow loaded with arrows, aimed and ready. I guess he doesn't even trust my patrolling skills.

We walked all around the house and searched for useful items around the house. Unfortunatley, someone must have had the same idea before us. Once we finished we met back up at the living room. "Next house," I grumbled. Daryl's eyes widened and he looked as if he wanted to say something. I ignored him and tried to move past him, but he grabbed my arm. "Beth, wait!"

"What do you want?" I didn't try to hide my annoyance.

"Listen, we don't have to be enemies," he said.

"Oh, but we can't be friends?" I shot back at him.

"Beth it's just that-."

"You don't give a shit?" I finished for him. "What happened to the guy who held me when I wanted to kill myself? It feels like years ago now. One moment you act like you care for me and the next you do your best to ignore me!"

"I do it because I care too much! You don't know how terrified I am to lose you. I don't want to become attatched the lose you, but it's too late for that. I am losing you anyways, just not in the way I thought. I am sorry I don't let you in. I know I can trust you. Beth I am sorry!"

I just stood there in shock. I never knew this is how he felt. Looking up at his face I couldn't concentrate. I didn't know what to say. Instead, I just closed the distance between us. Daryl leaned down and now less than a centimeter of space separated our lips. Were we about to kiss. Did I want this? Yes, I did. We just stayed in that position for a few seconds before Daryl pulled away.

"Um, let's go check the other buildings before it gets dark," Daryl muttered seemingly flustered from our almost kiss. Not as flustered as I was. My face felt like it was on fire and my heart pounded out of my chest. Did he have feelings for me? I sure as hell have feelings for him. Was his intentions to kiss me? Doesn't that asshole know how much I love him, but try not to? My thoughts were a jumbled mess and my body was on autopilot as we walked out of the house. I wondered, what in the world was running through that man's head.

~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~

Aaah! They ALMOST kissed. Hehe, I am such a tease!;) But, they do have a lot of problems to work out first! I think this was my favorite chapter to write. Alright guys, thanks for all the amazing support it means the world to me! I also have started a one shot book and I take requests. So ideas for that is welcomed! (It's a collab :) btw)  Keep voting and shout out to my friend @LovelyLynnn and check out her new book: (it's one of those bad boy stories ;p ) Thanks again and see ya'll next Saturday!

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