Chapter 6- About You Now

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~Daryl's POV~

After I secured the house, I found myself lingering in the back rooms. I didn't want to face Beth and see her reaction to the kiss. Why the hell had I done it? I kissed her forehead because she was just so perfect and beautiful. Everything about her made me yearn for her. Most of all, I craved what I imagined her lips would feel pressed against mine. I wanted her body against mine. I just needed her touch. But, this is wrong. I felt as if I would corrupt her. She was too young and innocent. How could I even think things like this? I scolded myself, yet my mind kept wandering back to her. I couldn't figure out if my new found feelings  for her was love or just lust. Either way it didn't matter. She probably would be grossed out by the thought of an "us". I probably only caused her discomfort by my actions. God dammit.

I paced around the back bedroom and wondered if she could see right through me. Maybe, she already knew how I felt. I can't allow that to happen. No, I would not let those sharp blue eyes peer deep within me. Concealing how I really feel is a skill I have. Time to put that skill to use.

After letting out a long sigh, I walked back into the living room. There she was where I left her, all curled up on the couch. She had a faint smile on her face and I could hear her soft, gentle snores. I saw her begin to shiver and knew she must be freezing. She deserved to sleep on a king sized bed, with soft and clean blankets, not this shit.  I took off my jacket and gently draped it over her frail body. She stirred just a bit, and then remained still again.

I took my spot on the floor and layed down. "Oh, Beth. You have no idea what you do to me," I muttered.

Usually, I can fall asleep almost instantly. The "comfort" of the floor doesn't bother me. However, my thoughts were what was keeping me awake. Do I love Beth? Is it wrong for me to love her? To want her? If it wasn't for the sleeping Beth right next to me, I would have yelled out in frustration. The same thoughts about her kept repeating themselves over and over. I felt like I was going crazy. If only I could just go out into the forest and clear my mind. Too bad there are thousands of walking corpses right outside my door.

I stared up at the ceiling and just listened to the scratches and moans of the walkers to distract myself from my own mind. I hated the feeling of not being able to get rid of my thoughts. A walker I could kill, but my thoughts we indestructible.

It must have been three hours until a restless sleep finally took me. However, the dreams that came with it were not pleasant.

*In The Nightmares*

It was daytime and I stood knee deep stuck in mud. Walkers surrounded me, but they too were trapped in the mud. I struggled and let out a frustrated grunt when I only sunk deeper. That's when I heard it. The scream. The same scream I heard in the forest when the walkers invaded. It could only belong to one person, Beth. I scanned the area around desperatley searching for her. I heard another scream and I could tell it was from behind me. I strained to turn around. The mud hardened and made it impossible to turn.

"Daryl! They have me! Please help me. Please!"

I nearly broke my neck in attempt to look behind me. I grunted and desperately and tried to remove my leg. I knew it was pointless, yet I just kept struggling. I wouldn't give up. Not when Beth's life was at stake. I heard another awful scream.

"Run Beth! Just run!" I called out.

I heard a long cry of pain and then silence. They were eating her alive somewhere behind me and I couldn't do shit about it. I felt numb and helpless. I have failed her. There was nothing I could do to bring her back. My future would be long and lonely with out her.

The walkers reached out to me. I stuck my arm out and let the nails of the walker drag across the top of my hand. I might as well be one of them. This is what I deserve for failing her.

*End of Dream*

"Daryl?" I heard a worried voice say.

I shot up into sitting position and was breathing hard. The mud wasn't trapping me and Beth was still alive. It was just a dream. Beth looked at me with the up most concern. However, I just avoided her glance. The dream just felt so real.

I couldn't do anything to stop her death. Would it be like that in real life too? I failed to protect her.

"Did ya have a nightmare?" She questioned with worry clear in her voice.

"I am tired. Just go back to sleep," I said dismissing her concern. I was so unsettled by the dream it was causing me to push her away again. Maybe, it was for the better to be unattached. I would only lose her in the end. It was inevitable. We will have the same fate as Hershel and probably all of the other prisoners.

"All right then," she huffed. A heavy silence then filled the room. I felt bad for being rude, but it was better for the both of us. If we wern't attached to each other, it would hurt less one of us are lost. This way it would be easier not to fall in love with her. The only thing is, I think it may be to late to avoid falling in love with her.

Soon, I could hear her breathing level out and I knew she had fallen back asleep. That's when I heard an awful cracking noise. The walkers had broken through one of the barriers.

~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hey it's still Saturday where I live and I posted as promised:) And we are almost to 500, you have no idea how happy this makes me! Love you all. Make sure to vote and help me reach 500! See ya next Saturday:)

PS: sorry for the kind of cliff hanger Lol.

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