Brothers In Arms

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Sunlight hitting his face was what began to shift Carson from his sleep. His eyes slowly opening to the fact that his head did not hurt nearly as bad as the evening prior. He inhaled deeply, starting to look around the room only to notice that the IV had been removed from his arm. A small tan bandage on his arm where it had been. There was no longer the sound of the monitors that had been hooked to him the evening prior. *How do I keep sleeping through this..* He slowly shifted, sitting himself up even more as he looked around the room. Forrest and Castiel were nowhere to be seen, but everyone else was still sound asle

Ronon was sprawled out on his stomach, one arm hanging off the couch. Rodney was still curled into a small ball on the chair he had claimed, and John sound asleep on his back on another sofa. He once again began to move, this time slowly lifting his legs over the edge of the bed to sit up entirely. He winced slightly, as he let his back stretch out. The bandages around his chest were secure, as he glanced down at them. He was already curious about how she had managed to do what she did with such little invasion. He already had plans to ask her about it.

He was about to set his feet on the ground when Forrest walked back into the room. She had some kind of duffle bag over her shoulder with a large platter of food in her arms. She looked at him and smiled "Feeling better?" She asked as she set down the platter at the foot of his bed. "Very" He starting to put weight on his feet as she walked over "Take it easy, no need to overdo things," she said as she set the duffle bag down. "I managed to get the shirt and coat you had on clean. Between Cas's mouth and the dirt in here they were pretty nasty" she said as she reached in and pulled out Carson's shirt and coat. "Thank you, love," he said as he leaned against the bed, taking them from her "Why do you sound so much different than them?" she asked, looking up at him. He smiled "Well, I am from a different part of our world. People from where I am from sound this way." She nodded curiously as she then grabbed some dried fruit from the tray she had brought in "Considering they were on their way to kill Castiel and rescue you, they sleep pretty hard" He couldn't help but laugh "From Rodney, I expect no less. The other two are a bit more alert than this normally."

Just as he finished speaking, Sheppard finally began to stir. Groaning he half rolled to one side, an arm stretching out as he did. He was still for a moment, before finally sitting up and rubbing his eyes "Morning Colonel" Carson greeted him as he pulled his shirt over his head, now covering up his bandaged body. John yawned, now sitting up "Good to see you up Doc. Morning Forrest," he said as he looked over to Ronon as well starting to wake up. "Castiel has already gone out to find Malco and Dazar; they should be returning any time now. I brought you all something to eat as well" she said waving to the tray of dried fruits that Carson had now reached around her for.

Ronon happily shoved Rodney's shoulder, causing him to nearly fall and jump awake "I'm Awake!" His eyes wide as he looked around the room at everyone "What?" "Nothing" Ronon now moving around Forrest for the food. She looked at them all "I need to get down to one of the armory rooms here in the university to get some saddles. But you are all free to roam around here if you wish. Just put things back where you find them and don't break anything" She explained as everyone began to stand. Sheppard hopped up, walking over to the door "I'll go with you and help you bring things back here. I am assuming the saddles are a bit big?" nodding "yes they are" With a nod, he looked at Ronon "You stay with these two, and all three of you stick together okay?" Carson looked at Rodney, and then they both nodded their heads in agreement. Ronon was doing the same "Good, Forrest lead the way."

The hallways of the large university seemed to wind around for miles. Considering most of Earth's universities had different buildings on the same campus, the one here on Loonrian appeared to be the opposite. One massive building on one section of land. It was run down. Apparently, things had been destroyed in the attack, but the structure was mostly intact. Sheppard looked at Forrest as she led the way, having brought her small lamp to light the windowless halls "So Forrest, what exactly have you been doing the past ten years on your own with Castiel?" he was curious, that was a long time to stay alone in a destroyed city. "We keep the records safe and maintained. Mainly since we have had the place to ourselves, Cas has helped me master more specialized medical techniques. Learning things most doctors would normally specialize in. Then we help the resident dragon population. It seems after the attack the remaining population of humans turned against them. Most of the dragons fled south to here where Castiel and I help them from a medical standpoint as best we can." She stopped as they got to a large set of rolling doors. "This is it." she explained as she went to set her lamp down to get a hold of the large metal doors "I got it," Sheppard said as he grabbed hold of the large handles, pulling hard to haul one side open. "Normally automatic?" Forrest smiled "Yes normally, makes it pretty hard sometimes. Normally I just mark doors I need open, and Cas comes and gets them for me." she walked in, holding her lamp into the darkened room, quickly joined by Sheppard's flashlight. "Damn these things are massive." He said as he brushed the dust off the top of one of the strange leather made saddles. "Well, Castiel is not exactly the largest dragon. While he is nearly double the size a Mute dragon should be, the Destroyers, military-bred dragons, probably have almost a 40 percent size increase on him." He looked over at her, as she pulled one of the large leather saddles off the rack; moving it over her shoulders. "Damn" He was already attempting to pull another one. "We will have to come back for two more. We have neck saddles; we will need to get two shoulder saddles as well."

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