Chapter 4: Doom of Loonrian

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It was getting dark, as the three made their way deeper into the city. The sun now nearly blocked by the buildings that were somewhat still upright. The temps were dropping drastically as they moved about the rubble, looking for any sign of the doctor, or the dragon. Yet there were no noticeable signs, and everyone was starting to feel the fatigue from the amount of climbing they were doing.

"There is no point in this. Now I want to find Carson and save him as much as all of you but, Odds are he has been fed to that dragon's kids or worse" McKay said as he stopped walking. Looking at the other two. "Seriously Rodney?" Sheppard spun around, glaring at the scientist. "We have had much worse odds of finding someone, you know he is stronger than he looks" The pair glared at one another before Sheppard turned around and kept walking forward. Grimacing slightly as he noticed his own breath starting to fog in front of him.

"Carson!!" He called out as he kept walking forward, clicking on the flashlight on the end of his gun. McKay behind him muttering to himself as he half kicked a rock out of his path. Ronon was ahead slightly, having managed to climb up onto a chunk of rubble. Looking out across the large town square like area before them "Doc!!" His voice booming over the area as he tried to see any movement in the fading light.

Forrest had slipped out of the main doors of the University. A small glowing orb lamp in her hands as she stood for a moment on the large front steps. The doors were always partially open since always closed would look suspicious to her. She looked out into the now darkening streets. Already able to feel the cold sting on her face. * Wish me luck* She thought as she began to walk down the steps, able to feel Castiel's slight unease in the back of her head.

She was able to hear the yelling quick, as she walked down the ruined street towards the town square. A coat wrapped around her as best she could. She was nervous, as she began to move closer to the voices yelling out her charge's name. He said they shouldn't be too trigger happy since she was not a threat, but it did not really reassure her much. She paused, able to hear them just around the corner of the building beside her. With a deep breath, she walked out into the street with her lamp.

"Hello" She called out as she rounded the corner, able to see one flashlight now pointed at her. Sheppard was instantly on point, with Ronon above her. "Don't Move" The voice behind the light demanded as she looked forward, slowly lifting her hands up. "I mean no harm, I came looking for you," She said as she watched the light approach. Able to now see another figure walking behind it. The large man that had been standing on top of the rubble dropping down to the ground and moving towards her right side. "She is not armed" the voice rough and deep compared to the other.

Sheppard lowered the gun down but kept the light pointed in her direction. "Who are you? Why would you be looking for us?" He had no idea there would even be a live person in the area, and now she had him rather curious and concerned all the same. Forrest slowly lowered her arms back down, holding her lamp close to her body. "My name is Forrest Atla. I came out here looking for you since Carson said you would be, and Castiel was able to hear you near us." The three men seemed to pause, glancing at one another as they moved closer. "You say, Carson?" McKay had finally spoken up, looking at the women in front of them "About yay high, black hair blue eyes, sounds a little funny?" Forrest looked at him a bit strangely, then nodded "Yes, I have him resting and recovering now in my home"

Sheppard let out a sigh of relief as he looked at her "Well Forrest, I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, over here you have Ronon Dex, and this guy behind me is Doctor Rodney McKay" he explained as they all gathered round Forrest. Most the natural light now was gone. "We can talk more about who is who later, we need to get back. It is only going to get colder here. Please follow me" She did not really wait, simply turned around and began to walk back down the street towards the university. Sheppard was quick to catch up. Staying close "So um, were you able to get Dr. Beckett away from the animal that took him?" She only laughed slightly, shaking her head "I am sorry for what Castiel did. He really should have come back and brought me over to your ship. He tends to act first ask questions later. Castiel brought your doctor to me to fix up. He was able to tell he needed medical care. I assure you, Castiel did not harm him. Scare him, yes, but no harm"

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