"Oh, its going to drive him insane"

Start from the beginning

  The king let out a conservative smile showing his approval. "Alpha Rodriguez," he started, "what pack do you come from?"

"The Full Moon Pack, sir."

"And you left because?"

I took a deep breath as I felt my heart drop. A knot formed in my stomach and my hands shook slightly. I willed my voice to come out strong. "I was rejected." Surprisingly it did.

The king looked shocked. Rejection wasn't a common thing. Mates were chosen by the moon goddess therefore being precious to most of the werewolf race. There were some who wanted their own destiny; didn't think it was fair for the moon goddess to make the choice for them. Those who choose anyone other than their mate, more often than not, weren't as happy. Mates were like puzzle pieces, and you can't force two wrong ones to fit. However, there were special circumstances in which the moon goddess allowed two wrong pieces to fit. 

As his surprise faded, rage replaced it. "He rejected you?! Someone had the guts to reject a gift from the moon goddess? Who was it?" That last question was asked frighteningly calm and his power leaked from his tone, saturating the room.

I had no choice but to reply. "It was the Alpha's son." His teeth were bared and his breathing was heavy. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was physically calmer. He stood up and walked to me. He made sure to make eye contact before speaking. "There will be consequences, Rodriguez. For him, of course."

"Actually, if it is alright with you, I have a plan."

"Do say." He had a kind smile and his posture was more relaxed.

"He has the highest ranking pack, in terms of strength. I plan on replacing it. This way, he suffers and my pack benefits."

"How do you know he'll suffer from this?"

I smirked. "You see, Darius cares way too much about his image and the pack's reputation and that's all he cares about. It's everything to him. He wants to be better and stronger than everyone. And having a stronger pack lead by the woman he rejected replace his pack's standing ," I chuckled, "oh, its going to drive him insane."

"Sounds like a great plan,"He put his hand on my shoulder. "Whatever you need, I'm here." 

The knot in my stomach lessened and a small smile crossed my face. "Thank you, my king."

"Please, call me Roman. You've gained my respect."

My eyes widened. "How? I tried asking as politely as possible. "All I've done is told you I got rejected. That's hardly anything to get respect for."

"Rejection does not look bad on you, it reflects on him. But the way you're handling it, now that's why you have my respect. You're moving forward; striving for better. You've built this pack up and didn't let rejection define you. You utilized it to make you stronger. That's something to respect."

I smiled, realizing his words were true. Rejection doesn't define me. It's a minuscule part of my past. "Well, thank you, um, Roman."

He gave me a smile before clapping his hands together. "Well, it's been a long journey here and I'm quite hungry."

"Oh yes. We'll show you to the dining room and I'll call the pack on the way." He nodded and we all filed out of the house. When we got to the dinning room, the whole pack was already there. They sensed the Alpha King and bowed.

"Rise," boomed Roman, loud and clear.

"I'm happy to meet everyone and specially glad the pack is doing well. Thank you for having me in your territory," he said with a smile.

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