Challange Day Two~

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The snow fell from the sky like the soft frozen bullets from the cloud, the soft crunch beneath his heels sent a shiver down his spine on its own. His thick canvas coat could only insulate so much heat, his hat was tipped low to try and keep the heavy flakes out of his eyes. The gun in his hand seemed to grow heavy with each passing step, the frozen birch around him seemed to crackle with a forgotten energy that nothing could harness. He realized at some point that the cold would lose its charm, the gentle ballet its been playing for him swirling ever so gracefully around his foreign form and dancing into the smallest of cracks would soon face the curtains close as the clouds thickened above.

But soon enough he saw what he needed. The splash of blood that stained the delicate layer of crystalline water across from him was startling to look at, if Gabriel didn't have a strong stomach he wouldn't have been able to hold what little he managed to eat in. So they were here, and they were on the hunt. What a bitter way to go, the only remnants of you that would remain would be the pitiful bloodstain you'd leave on this forsaken snow. As soon as he saw it, it was gone in a swirl of white, the snow picked up, the ambient silence that had filled the air was destroyed by screaming winds and branches being shattered. They were here.

Kill me.

Thank you.

White walls, it doesn't have to be completely boring now does it Lilly?


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