The Football Field

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*Heavy Breathing* He's gonna find me. I looked at Liz. I knew she realized. I peered around the side of the building. Blur was there. I grabbed my gun. I had my knife handy. I ran over to him. "This is it." I said and fire slowly spread. Blood dripped from mine and Liz's face. She stayed behind the building. With her own gun. "Give me all you have Crowned Killer." I yelled. We ran at each other. Each planning to kill the other.

Today is the day. I sat up.  We use the trap today. Hopefully Blur finds it. Our plan was to have a hologram of me dead on the ground. An empty backpack was gonna be next to me. Blur would need to think that the V2 is in the backpack and that i was dead. It was a good plan. Or i thought so. Me and Liz have been preparing for a while. I have been training in combat. So has Liz. We both got guns. I was scared. Below my body we prepared a C4 bomb. This needs to go our way. We planned on hurting Blur until he couldn't go on. It was only me, Liz, and Blur. "Wake up Liz." i said and shook her. "What?" she said "get up" i repeated. "oh" After we got up, we ate. Then we headed out. We went to the Football field.  We set it all up. Me and Liz hid in a tower in the corner. "And now we wait. Liz" i said. "Yea?" she said "If anything bad happens i'm gonna tell you to run. Far. And as soon as i say it. You run like hell. Even if i'm in trouble." I told her. "No. We stick together. Til the end" I looked at her and nodded.  Hours went by. About two actually. Blur had not shown up. "It's 10. Let's call it a day." Liz said. "I think you're right.'' i said. As i moved there was a bang. Blur was standing on the field. Me and Liz got down. Blur looked down at the hologram. He looked at the backpack. He bent to pick him up. "NOW!" i yelled and blew the C4. Blur fell onto the floor. He was weak. But not dead. He stood up and looked at the tower. The grass caught on fire. It slowly spread. Me and Liz rushed to the bottom. I stood looking at Blur. "Here we are." i said. I got my gun. Blur drew his. "You basically just killed yourself." Blur said. "I will when i kill you" i responded and hid behind a wall. We fired some shots back and forth. None had hit. Liz had the V2. We found out Earth 46 was dead. That's where Blur was going. We shot until we both had no ammo. Fist Fight. We ran over to a building hiding from Blur. I had dropped my gun. I looked at Liz. She was scared. I saw Blur on the field. I kissed Liz. "I love you. Don't die on me" I smiled. I ran at Blur. "Come on! Crowned Killer. Earth 9 is under my protection." Liz silently cried. "You can not stop me." Blur said. "Well you are me so i think i can" i replied.  "YOU WILL DIE!" i yelled at him. I ran towards him. I felt like i was in my own world.i could hear my heartbeat.  This was gonna end. Right now. I got to Blur and swung at him. He ducked and swung his leg knocking me over.  He brought his fist down on my face. My nose started to bleed. Blur took my knife. He pushed it down on me. I grabbed him arm pushing him back. I couldn't keep him off. The knife cut into my stomach. "AHH" i yelled. Then Liz brought a brick on his back. He stood up and stared at her. He pushed her onto the wall. He came back to me. He pulled out a syringe. "This has a liquid i stole from the lab that made what you call the V2. It will stop all your limbs. In other words you can not move." he laughed. I pulled the knife out. I tried to get him but he knocked it out of my hands. Liz ran to stop him. But he injected me. I felt paralyzed. I could not move. I had to wait until it wore off. Liz pushed him and punched him. He backed up and walked towards her. "Come on Lizzy." he laughed. "I am from your earth. You don't need this fake. You can come with me. We could be so strong. We could rule Earths. I took this guy down without my smoke bombs" Blur said. I tried my best to move. All i could do was shake. DAMN IT! Move,move,move,move,move i told myself. "I'm never going anywhere with you!" Liz yelled. he pinned her on the wall. Come on. Move Ace! "Listen. Just come with me. And i won't kill him." Blur said. Liz looked at me. "DON'T DO IT" i yelled. "Suite yourself" Blur  said and held a knife on her throat. "BLUR!" i yelled. He ignored me and laughed. I squeezed my fist.I stood up. It took all my strength. I started to move. I ran to Blur. I turned him around and kneed him in the gut. Blur grunted. I pushed him away from Liz. I swung but he ducked. He tackled me to the ground. I elbowed him in the back. He slugged me in the sides. I pushed him away and punched him into the face. I slugged him with all my strength. It was like i was in my own world. He kicked me in my stomach. That took my breath away. I saw he reached for his pocket. I pushed him hand back. He swung his arm towards the side of my hand. Fuck. My head got bashed by his arm. My head was throbbing. Meanwhile the fire was spreading. I punched him in the gut as he elbowed me. I pushed him away.  This was harder than i thought, but i am not giving up.

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