Saving Hera

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Zeus was pacing back and fourth as he looked at his wife on the bed, she looked so small and fragile. Zeus walked to the bed and sat on the edge, he stroked her face lovingly, " please don't leave me, am nothing with out you".
Zeus sighed after all the years of neglect it looked like Hera was giving up on him, when he saw her in Hestia's arms looking so pale it was like his world was collapsing. She had looked so lifeless that he had thought that he had lost her forever. But there was still time to save her, all he had to do was love her and only her or else his Hera would be taken away from him for as long as the fates wanted.

Flash back

Zeus was sitting on his thrown waiting the partitions to begin when all of a sudden there was a swell of wind in the thrown room and out of that a dark clocked figure stepped out of it, Zeus starred at the new comer in shock but soon recovered, " who dares come before the mighty Zeus unannounced!? "
Zeus's voice boomed though the thrown room accompanied by thunder. But the figure only sighed and gave a light chuckle, "my you have not changed at all".
Zeus's frowned at this, " who are you? "
The hidden figure removed the cloak to reveal long brown hair the same colour as his wife's with streaks of silver in it.
Zeus's eyes widened," mother?"
His mother smiled and looked at him sadly," hallo Zeus "
Zeus continued to look at his supposed dead mother in shock," but how!?"
" am not alive if that's what you're trying to ask, I am here because of Hera,"
" what has my wife done this time?" Zeus asked in a frustrated voice.
His mother looked at him sadly," Hera hasn't done anything, its what's happening to her the reason for why am here. "
Zeus looked at his mother in confusion, but before he could ask she continued," Hera is fading Zeus"
Zeus looked at his mother in confusion, " how do you know that? You could be mistaken! "
Rhea looked down with sad eyes, "I feel her presence, its weak but there is no doubt that it is Hera I feel", she said in a sad tone.
Zeus slammed his fist against the armrest of his throne," you could be mistaken!! "
When he looked at his mother and saw the look she gave him he kept quiet," don't insult me by saying I don't know my own daughter's presence when I feel it!! I am her mother!!!"
Zeus looked down ashamed and the fire in Rhea's eyes lessened, " what have you done to her Zeus, what have you done to course my girl to her will to live?"
" I have wronged her most of our married life, but I am trying to make things right, please tell me what I need to do. I can't lose her, she's everything I need."
Zeus said close to tears.
The former queen sighed," do you love her?",
Zeus looked at his mother with a determined look," with all my heart, I've loved her from the very first moment I saw her",
" then show her, for there isn't much time",
Before Zeus could ask what she meant, Iris bust into the room out of breath,
" the queen!" This was all it took for Zeus to get up from his throne.

End of flash back

Zeus kneeled next to Hera's bed and took her hand," no matter what happens, I love you Hera, only you",
Zeus kissed her fore head and just watched his wife sleep.

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