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Through out the meeting Zeus kept giving his wife worried looks and some of the gods had began to notice their king's strange behavior.
Hestia was one of those that had noticed that all of Zeus's attention had stayed on his wife. Immediately Hestia knew that something was wrong with her little sister.
From her place by the hearth Hestia looked more closely at her sister and noticed that she was paler than usual, and looked very tired. Hera looked ill which was not suppose to be possible for they were gods and illness was not for them.
As the meeting concluded, Hera decided to go for w walk in her garden. As she stood up, Zeus came to her side immediately, " is there something you need my queen? "
All the gods were shocked by this and Hera resisted rolling her eyes at this, since she had woken up Zeus had been following her like a little post puppy begging for attention, which was starting to get annoying.
Hera plastered a smile on her face and looked at her husbands face," calm yourself Zeus I am only going for a walk in my gardens "
" are you well enough to go to the gardens on your own?" As Zeus asked this her looked at his wife's body checking if she was in better health than she had been in the morning," I would prefer if you did not have to go alone".
This time Hera did role her eyes," I am only going for a short walk in the gardens , its not like am going for a hike down mount Olympus ".
Before Zeus could protest Hestia came to the couple, " don't worry Zeus, I'll go wot her"
" Hestia... " Hera looked at her sister and tried to protest, but Hestia held up her hand and gave her w small smile, " let's think of this as our sister time, like in the old days" Hera sighed " alright, I guess we can have a picnic as well " Hera said looking at her servant Iris, Iris nodded and went to the kitchens to prepare a picnic for her lady.
  Hera and Hestia were talking about old times as they walked through Hera's garden, after remembering a particular funny memory which involved Zeus lighting his hair on fire with his own lightening.
Hera was doubled over laughing and clutching her stomach, " What killed me the most was his face when he realized that the smoke was coming from his head"
Hestia laughed harder at this, " and how he looked after Poseidon finally stopped laughing and put the fire out, oh my gods half of his head looked like it had been burnt off!"
The sister's continued with their walk and Hestia took notice of Hera's glowing skin,
" wow Hera your skin really looks beautiful, what moisturizer are you using"
Hera frowned a little at this," I don't use moisturizer Hestia you know this, but I have noticed that my skin has been glowing faintly since this morning."
Hestia looked at Hera surprised at that, " maybe it the water?" She suggested unsurely.
Hera examined her arms more closely, " yes maybe".
As Hera continue to examine herself Hestia decided to try and change the topic," so how are things with Zeus? "
Hera stopped looking at her hands and sighed," I honestly don't know, I mean he's still cheating but I don't think he in joy's doing it anymore, don't get me wrong I would love for him to stop cheating and be the husband I need. And I can't do this with him anymore "
Hestia looked at her in shock, " Hera you don't mean..."
"I do",
" but Hera...",
Hera held up her hand for Hestia to listen to her," I love Zeus more than anything but being with him is not heathy for me, I mean look at all that I've done in the name of my love for him. I don't want to be the jealous wife waiting for him to come home anymore. Its either am his Hera , the only woman for him... or" her looked down at this but Hestia knew what she wanted to say so she finished the unspoken words,
" or you become your own Hera "
Hera nodded and looked at her sister with tears in her eye, Hestia pulled her sister into a hug and she kissed her templed,
" just know that what ever you decided I will be right here for you ",
Hera gave her a watery smile," that means a lot to me".
They continued walking through the garden and as they neared the pond Hera began to feel light headed , she stumbled and would have fallen over had Hestia not caught her,
" Hera! What happened ",
" its nothing, I just feel a little faint that's all"
Hestia looked at her sister worriedly, " come let's sit down by the pond",
As Hestia helped Hera to the pond, her skin began to glow brighter. Just as they were about to reach the pond, Hera fainted in Hestia's arms and she had began to glow so bright that it looked like she had a small sun within her. What scared Hestia was when Hera began to flicker like a light bulb that would turn off at any moment.
At that Iris came with the picnic her lady had requested for, when she looked up and saw her lady on the ground glowing , she drop the picnic basket and rushed to her side,
" queen Hera!"
Hestia looked at Iris who was trying to tend to her queen, " Iris go and call Zeus now!" Hestia shouted at the servant girl, Iris nodded and run to the thrown room as fast as she could.
As Iris bust into the thrown room the king was startled back into reality,
"The queen!"
And before Iris could say any more, Zeus was out of his chair and raced towards the garden with Iris right behind him. When he saw his wife laying in Hestia's arm glowing, Zeus felt his heart beating frantically as he approached they,
"Hestia what happened", Zeus said he lifted Hera in his arms.
Hestia got to her feet," we were just talking and then she began to glow then this happened. We need to get her to Apollo"
Zeus nodded and they rushed to Apollos home, they were in such a harry that they did not notice the cloaked figure hiding in the bushes of the garden.

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