Chapter 1- Wendy POV

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  • מוקדש ל Anyone who's promised something

Andrew, I don't blame you, if you really want to know. Our promises were made in the heat of the moment. Just a few moments bound by words that were flown around. It was a lot to ask.

Remember how you called my Wendy-bird? I loved Peter Pan. When we kids we would sit around the old TV and watch it. You yelled at the pirates and cheered for the Lost Boys. We used to wait for when we could fight pirates.

"Someday we'll be in Neverland and meet fairies and mermaids and battle pirates," you said. "I promise you, Wendy-bird."

"Wendy-bird?!" I said.

"Yeah, I'll be Peter Pan and you'll be Wendy." you explained, it seemed simple back then.

 I remember when you told me you were moving away until you were a senior. I didn't breathe for a time that felt like an eternity. I started crying. No, crying doesn't describe the way I drowned my own eyeballs. It was more like sobbing. In some ways, I'm glad you told me this on the phone. You didn't see my cry fest that ended in me looking like a drowned raccoon. I was fine with that.

The first thing I did after I regained a little composure was walk to your house. I ran that block that separated our houses. I threw myself up the large stairs to your door and took a deep breath. I knocked on your door and waited a few seconds. I laughed at the cruel irony that we just started dating six months ago after confessing our feelings that we had had for a while and then you have to move away for 4 years.

You came to the door and lost it. Crying to avail and you held me in your arms.  You whispered to me that everything was going to be alright and I believed you.

I looked straight at you and said, "Please don't leave me."

And I remember that the word you said next gave me certainty that my world wouldn't change beyond belief. You said, "Never."

Never. That one word made me believe.  That word was perfect. But- I guess you didn't mean it. Or else I wouldn't be in this position.

You told me that you had two weeks left in this town. I smiled. I had time left with you.

The weeks went by slowly or at least in my mind they did. I wanted everything to slow down so I could be with you. But the night before you left came.

We spent the night together. We sat in the late summer air and talked. I brought a little picnic and you brought sparklers. I grabbed one from you and wrote random words in the sky. Some wonderful examples- Pickles, Igloo, Tennis, and Pencil.

You laughed and started to write weird words too. 

Then, suddenly, I started crying. I was such a drama queen back then. I still am now. You tried to comfort me. Remember?

You said, "Wendy-bird" using the name from when we were young. "I won't leave you. I really like you and I don't want to mess things up. I would never hurt you."

I suddenly knew that I needed to promise you as much as you had to me. "Neither will I. I like you a lot."

"I promise," you said.

"Really, Andrew?" I asked.

"Of course." you said and I thought that you meant it.

I sat with you a little longer, dreading the minute you had to leave.



Hi! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. FYI! I'm writing this in a sort of letter format. Each chapter will switch off between Wendy and Andrew talking to each other.

And remember,before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away, and you have their shoes too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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