"Yes I do" once again with a cold voice 

After a few minutes our legs are intertwined, my head in on her chest, she was playing with my hair 

"You ever take off your glasses" Asami asks Cooly 

"Well, um no, I need them to see, my basically blind without them" 

"Is that so" 

What is she up too 

"Yeah it is" 

"I have never needed to wear glasses before, I wonder If Supergirl wears them when she isn't a hero" Asami continues 

"Maybe she does, but wouldn't she have a smarter disguise" I try to make an excuse 

"Yeah you think she would" Asami says looking at me 

I let out an awkward laugh 

"Well Supergirl why don't wear a better disguise" Asami says 

My body tenses 

"You got me, please don't think that I don't like you, I have always wanted to tell you, Belive me, goodness why would I ever hurt you your beautiful" I rant, I stop myself 

"That's quite a compliment Ms.Avatar" 

She to smart for me 

"So what's it's like to fly" 

"Oh it's amazing, I feel free, but not lately" 

"Why is that" Asami asks 

"I have wanted to tell someone something but every time I try, either I feel guilty or sad or mad" I explain to her 

Little did she know I was talking about her 

"Well why don't you tell the person right now, like over text" Asami offers 

I ponder with the though until my phone rings 

"Hey bo what is it" i ask my brother 

"We need you at central square, reign is back" 

Bo hangs up 

"Asami I got to go, You know be supergirl" I tell her

We pull apart, I hated it, it was like a part of me was being pulled away 

I swiftly changed into my alter ego and untied my hair and slipped my glasses off and went into the sky 

Asami POV 

I watched Korra fly into the sky

There was no way she was going to beat reign on her own

I stood up and got dressed and went help my friend 

Korra POV 

I flew into the square 

Reign was throwing cars around, Bolin and Tenzin had already cleared the civilians 

"Reign" I yell at the women who almost killed me 

"Supergirl I see you have decided to join us, this time I will bring justice by making sure you die" Reign says 

She launches into the sky right at me 

I let out a gasp as I felt the kryptonite effect me 

I fell to the ground, I heard the concrete underneath me crack 

"Please stop why do you want this" I ask barely able to stand 

Reign hold my neck slowly stopping my breathing, I try desperately to pull her hand away but the kryptonite was weakening me 

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