Ready as I'll ever be

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In this story After the attack from Zaheer she disappeared, not even Asami knew where she was

Korra walked across the hall of the air temple into the main room 

Her blue grey eyes started right at Tenzin, there was a look of fear in his eyes

"Any minute now Master" Korra said sarcastically 

"Believe me I know" Korra started 

"I've sunk pretty low" she looked outside there were airships arriving 

"But whatever I've done you deserve" she hisssed at Tenzin 

"Korra" he begged

"Quiet!" The Avatar yelled at hi,

"I'm the bad guy, that's fine" 

"It's no fault of mine" she grabbed her staff

"And some justice at last will be served" 

"Korra please listen" he begged once again 

"Now it's time to step up" Korra lifted the last airbenders chin up with her staff 

"Or it's time to back down" she pushed him back into the wall

"And there's only one answer for me" she walked outside 

"And I'll stand up and fight

cause I know that I'm right

And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready

Ready as I'll ever be" she finished, she looked at the many airships in the sky

Switch to Asami 

"Now it's time to rise up" The heiress looked at her people 

"Or it's time to stand down" Mako was ready 

"And the answer is easy to see" Bolin was ready 

"And I swear by the sword" she looked at the electric glove on her hand 

"If you're in, get on board" she didn't want to fight the person she tried to save 

"Are you ready?" She looked at her friends as they were about to face the most powerful being in the world

 "I'm ready" Mako said

"We're ready" lin and Syin agree

"We're ready" more soldiers finished 

"Ready as I'll ever be" Asami finished as the airships landed

Everyone charged out 

Calling there battle cry

Asami stared right into the eyes of the Avatar

This wasn't going to end well

Asami charged

One fight scene later 

Only Asami was left standing, beaten up badly, her legs were giving way, her glove smashed to pieces

The Avatar barely broke a sweat 

"Korra please, we can help you" Asami yelled at her old friend 

"Where were you when I needed you the most, when I was dying, I saved myself, no past lives to help me, no teacher, just me walking around with poison in my body slowly killing me, I saved myself" She explained

"Korra" Asami mumble before her knees finally gave way 

She collapsed to the ground 

Korra walked over and lifted Asami scared chin up

"Look in my eyes and tell me if you see Korra in there" Korra said staring into Asami green eyes

All Asami says was a void, that she failed to fill

"So what do you see miss Sato" Korra said 

Asami pulled Korra in and there lips met 

Korra away and staggered back

"What did you do" she hiss, she felt like she was losing control 

"I'm filling the hole" Asami says, she slowly rose up 

"No get out of my head, I'm getting justice, everyone abandoned me when I needed them most, and now I'm stronger because of my pain" Korra yelled 

"Korra please" Asami tried to stop the blood from coming out of her shoulder which was a deep gash 

Suddenly Asami froze

"You don't think I didn't learn some new tricks, blood bending is quite the skill, and satisfying when I bring someone to there knees" Korra says 

Asami was brought down to her knees once again 

Korra walked around her victim 

"You want to know how I learned this, quite simple actually, it's just control, I thought about my past lives, there gone now, it's not like there here for me, and who needs those weak Avatars, my power is limitless and I will rain hell on this world"

"No Korra your supposed to protect it" Asami yells breaking free from Korra's grasp

"What how" 

"I know you Korra, your not evil, just come back and it will all be ok" 

"No even If i Do, no one will treat me the same" Korra yelled, tears were threatening to spill

"I'm ready to help you, you just need to be willing" 

"No, I'm not going back, never, if that's mean me dying then I'm more than willing to die" Korra yelled

"No I'm here for you, I need you" Asami rose up

Korra's eyes glowed, ravaa left Korra's body 

"Ravaa What are you doing" The Now powerless Avatar  asks

"Saving you" Ravaa flew to Asami

A surge of power went through Asami 

The heiress eyes glowed white 

"No this isn't it" Korra eyes glowed black as a darkness spread across her body 

The Darkness had taken over Korra completely 

She was the dark avatar and Asami was now the light Avatar 

The new powered friends charged at each other

"Korra come back" Asami said as she pushed the original avatar back 

A sick demented voice responded "Korra is gone, the darkness has consumed her"

"Not today"

Asami release all her power 

Korra fell to the ground, Ravaa flew back to Korra 

Asami collapsed, this time unconscious 

Korra stood up and ran over to Asami 

She gently picked her up and set her on her legs

"Come on stay with me please" Korra begged 

"I'm not going anywhere"  

I'm so Sorry for late update, also I apologise if you live in England or Ireland i posted this at 2 am, I also apologise for mistakes

Yours truly edna 

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