Not a chapter

631 11 11

Hey everyone Edna here, so I'm really enjoying writing this but I need your help, 

So I have ideas but I need your help to write 

So here are my titles for ideas

1. Why me 

2. Happily ever after?

3. Thank you 

4. Death's sting 

5. Not how it was supposed to go

6. Spirits this is good 

7. Music to my ears 

8. Chaos (done)

9. The wrong way to do the right thing 

10. I pick my own battles 

11. Lets have some fun

12. Ha that's funny 

13. Nope no way 

14. I think your cute

15. Mental health 

16. Scars 

17. Pets 

18. I just want a hug 

19. Percy Jackson AU (done)

20. Well that just happened 

I like to write angst, so yeah, But I will write most anything, but not sin can't write that, you see I'm single, will be for a long time, so yeah can't write sin 

So here are my titles comments the numbers you want me to write, hopefully you guys want me to write them 


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