--- Time Skip ---

Jack's POV

One of the kids at school was throwing a party tonight..

Of course, without even knowing who's party it was, me and my five best friends decided to go.

Before we had even gotten onto the property, we could hear the music blasting.

We walk in, and immediately we're on the dance floor.

Each of us had some random girl all over us, but we just danced.

Suddenly, as I was dancing with this girl I didn't even recognize, one girl caught my eye.

[Start audio here]

She was one of the only people that was dancig alone, but she looked so good doing it.

At first, I hadn't comepletely recognized her..

But, that's when I realized that she was the same girl from earlier.. Samantha Drax...

I lightly bit my bottom lip as I watched her dance and looked her up and down.

Her outfit was.. I can't even.. She looked so hot..

To be honest.. I was barely even dancing anymore..

All I focus on was her.. She was so confident and sexy, especially when she moved her body like that.. Total turn-on.

I wanted to go over and see if I could get a dance with her.. But, I knew that that would never happen..

Samantha Drax was one of the hottest girls in school.. But, she wasn't easy like all the other girls... She was independent,  and didn't anyone's shit.. I liked that.

As she continued to dance, another girl cam over to dance with me.. But, just as she did, Samantha walked offnofnthe dance floor.

I then pushed through the crowds of people, going to follow her.

She walked into the kitchen, straight to wear all the drinks were laid out onto the long island.

She grabbed a red cup and took a sip.

"Wow.. You actually drink that crap?" I ask, walking into the kitchen as well.

[End audio here]

Samantha's POV

"Yes," I answer as the noodle-headed boy grabs a water bottle from the fridge.

"But, God knows what's in there..!" He says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Alcohol." I say before taking a long swig of it. "That's all that matters.."

I then walk out of the kitchen with my drink and go stand against a wall as everyone else dances.

"Wait..!" Noodle-head says, following me. "Uh, I'm.. I'm Jack Avery,"

"Oh, well, I.. don't care." I reply.

broken || j.r.a. • book one •Where stories live. Discover now