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Jack's POV

I woke up with Samantha still in my arms, as she cuddled into my chest.

She had dried tear stains on her face, some of them being lack from her mascara and eyeliner.

Slowly, I lifted myself from the bed, leaving her to sleep, while I went to go and brush my teeth.

--- Time Skip ---

Jack's POV

I walk back into my bedroom to find Samantha sitting up on my bed, yawning and looking around.

I walke over and sat down beside her on the bed.

"Uh, h-hey.." I say, giving a slight smile.

"Hi...?" She replies. "Uh, might I ask.. What am I doing here?"

"Ohmygod, we didn't.. Did we?" She adds, eyes widening.

"What? Oh- No.." I say, realizing what she meant.

"So, yeah, what am I doing here?" She asks again.

"Do you remember last night at all? " She shakes her head. "Well, you went to a party last night, got drunk, made out with one of my best friends, and then started crying and told me you didn't wanna go home and stuff..."

I didn't tell her about we cuddled all night, or how I called her 'princess' because I wasn't surenhow she'd react now that she'd sobered up.. She was a very aggressive person...

"Oh, jeez..." She sighs as she places her face in the palm of her hands. Now, lemme guess.. You're probably gonna tell everybody at school tomorrow, aren't you?"

"What? Of course, not.." I answer.

"But, you want something in return, don't you, Noodles?" She cuts her eyes at me.

"No, I-I don't.. I swear." I insist.

She then squeezes her eyes andthrows her head back asnifbthe world was ending.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but..." She sighs and looks at me. "You don't mind if I stay here for a while, do you?"

My heart was practically popping out of my chest as if I was a cuckoo-clock.. Samantha Drax just asked if she could stay over at my. House.

Oh, crap.. I felt like a kid in a candy store!

"Uh, n-no.. Stay as long as you want." I answer, finally.

"Okay.. T-thanks, I guess..." She says, standing.

She stretches her arms out, then walks over and picks up her hoodie from off of a chair at my writing desk.

She then notices the piano sitting near by.

She walks up to it, barely running her fingers across the keys.

"Do you know how to play?" I ask her.

"Somewhat.." She answers.

broken || j.r.a. • book one •Where stories live. Discover now