“Yeah, sure. Sorry. We’ll talk later, ok?”

Drew leaned over to me once we were out of the expert’s hearing range, “Thought I noticed your eyes glazing over back there. Hope that was alright.”

“Yes, absolutely. Thanks. So . . . you didn’t really need anything?”

“No, just thought you looked like you could use a hand. Want to get something to drink?”

We bought a couple of sodas from a machine down the hall, and walked back toward the lobby. “Thanks for the save. I really should be getting home, though. Have you seen Brittany lately? She’s my ride.”

“I saw her go outside with Austin a few minutes ago. I could give you a ride.”

Drew seemed really nice, but after my experience with Justin, I decided to stick with Brittany. “Oh, thanks, but . . . uhm, I left my jacket in Brittany’s car, so I better go with her.” I knew my reason sounded kind of lame, and he looked a little disappointed. I felt guilty, but at the same time, there was no reason to lead him on. I was never going to be interested in Drew.

“I could go find them for you, I mean, since you don’t have a jacket if you want. It’s pretty chilly out.”

Ok, make that doubly guilty. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not. I’ll be right back.”

Why couldn’t I fall for a guy like Drew? He had everything I should want in a guy. Polite, kind, decent looks, safe . . . normal. I sighed. Boring. I mentally kicked myself for being every kind of a fool. Caleb was a good guy, too, but completely unavailable and the antithesis of safe. But definitely not boring, I thought as my stomach did a little somersault.

Telltale remnants of mascara streaks lined Brittany’s cheeks as Drew held the door for her followed by a sullen-faced Austin. “Ready to go?” she asked.

“Uhm, yeah. Gran’s not expecting me to be late. I don’t mean to rush you. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m ready.”

Austin stood awkwardly, hands in pockets, staring at the floor. “So, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said as Brittany took her keys from her bag.

She shrugged.

“Come on, Brit. I said I was sorry,” he pleaded.

“Yeah, I know. Let’s go, Jessie.”

“Night,” I said, giving Austin a sympathetic look. “Thanks again, Drew.”

“Sure, anytime. See ya’.”

I followed Brittany to her car. “So, that didn’t sound too good. Want to talk about it?”

“Nothing to talk about. I just got sick of his immature, bratty behavior tonight. I guess that’s what I should expect from a guy his age, though. I probably shouldn’t even waste my time with a guy that young. I really think he was pouting because he didn’t get to show off. How dumb is that?”

I felt a strong urge to defend my buddy. “But he’s a really good guy most of the time. Yeah, I mean you’re right, he was being kind of a jerk tonight, but you guys have been getting along so well. Don’t you usually have a lot of fun with Austin?”

“Yeah. I just really hate it when he acts that way. I’m not sure that’s something I can get past.”

“Maybe he’ll do better now that you let him know how much it bothers you.”

“I’m not sure he can control it that much.”

“Well, I hope you give him another chance. I think he likes you . . . a lot.”

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