First meetings are the best

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"WHAT?!!!" I screeched, fuming mad. My mom looked around and sighed. "He offered money. Money that we need to get out of debt; your fathers debt. He comes from a wealthy family and a respectable family at that!" Her hushed voice wasn't hiding the anger she felt for my loudly spoken scene just moments before.

I crossed my arms. "So you just went ahead and signed me up? Without my permission?!!" I glared at her, seething with anger. Her eyes glinted as she raged with fire inside as well.

"Don't talk back to me young man! You are almost 18! That means you're almost an adult. I may have lied and said you were twenty but that won't matter when he sees you. I'll make you the sexiest submissive he's ever seen!!"

I groaned and stepped back. "No! I am not doing this mom! An arranged marriage in this day and age? I'd have no more friends and plus who said I like the guy? Who said he likes me? You lied about my age. He's expecting someone older and much more experienced at things! Besides what if he's really just a creep??"

My mother grabbed my ear and bent down into my face. "Enough! I've already met with him and he's taken the deal. He's given me 1,000 dollars as a keep safe. If you last three months with him then I keep the 1,000 and in the next year he'll pay 6,000. As long as you stay married to him we get money."

I ripped away from her grasps, anger washing over me. My mother sold me for money! "Now go wash up, I need to help the costumers. At 8 we will send you off to meet him." She gave me a quick shove and off I went. I stomped upstairs and plopped on my bed.

What the hell... my mom seriously signed me up to marry some rich guy because we're in so much debt?? Damn her!

I wonder what the guy looks like? Is he really respectable? Handsome? Muscled??

I bite my lip and sit up, staring at myself in my dresser mirror. We lived on the upstairs floor of the bar my mother worked at... my father skipped town a few months ago and left all his debt on me and my mother.... 70,000 dollars...

If we are paid a 1,000 dollars now plus 6,000 every year that means we'd have 43,000 in 7 years.

IT WOULD TAKE 11 YEARS TO PAY OUR DEBTS! 11 years of marriage!

But there's just no way I could keep a facade up like that! Would the guy even like me? I'm nothing special! Why would some rich wealthy man suddenly want me? Was he just some creep after a young boys ass?

I stare at myself in the mirror for the longest of times, focusing hard on any good traits I had. I couldn't find any. I'm short, too short. And my hair is all short and messy. I'm pale as a ghost and freckles cover my cheeks. I sigh. I guess my green eyes may be able to redeem me somewhat...

I once met a girl who fell in love with my green eyes. Once I told her I was gay she started to bully me. I spent two years of high school being bullied by the girl who thought she loved me.

I'm 18 and graduated; as of last week anyways. Sighing, I lay back down on my bed and think about things.

Why did my father ditch us?? Didn't he love mom? Didn't he love me? I snort. No one loves me...

I lay there, not thinking at all anymore. I'm tired of it all. I close my eyes and find myself drifting. My life has become a mess.

I use to be some ordinary guy. Now I'm engaged to a wealthy business man for my father's debts...

As consciousness fades my breathing slows to a steady and calm rate. Maybe this was for the best. If it wasn't by forced marriage maybe I'd never find someone to be with....

Sometime later I hear the front door slam closed, startling me awake.

Standing up I check my watch. 7:30?!!! Shoot I need to get ready! "Are you ready darling??" Mom calls. "Uh Yes! Just one more second!!" If she catches me not ready I'll surely get punished!!!

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