See you later

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Deku's p.o.v

"Mr. Aizawa? What are you doing here?" I asked. He just put his scarf thing back to normal.

"Iida informed me you guys were being hospitalized." He said plainly. We all looked Iida. "I had to, this situation is very serious." And then out of surprise, Recovery girl came in.

We all looked surprised that she was here. "I decided to bring Recovery girl to heal your injuries." He said and Recovery girl just walked towards Ranka and Haruhi.

"Here you go, have some candy." She said giving them a butterscotch bite. "I've heard about you two. I'm known as Recovery girl. Nice to meet you Fujioka's." She said nicely.

Ranka shook her hand. "Please call me Ranka. You can call her Haruhi!" He said hugging Haruhi from behind. Haruhi looked a bit embarrassed but mostly annoyed.

Recovery girl then came walking up to me and Kacchan. "All right let's get over with this, who first?" She asked.

"My arm was hurting but its fine now." Kacchan said. Recovery girl just sighed. "Try not to over use your quirk Bakugo." She said healing his arm anyway. "Kiisss!" And then she went up to me.

Haruhi and Ranka had very confused faces of why Recovery girl did that. I just giggled under my breath.

"Alright Midoriya, what am I fixing today?" She asked. I moved both my arms to see if they were ok. I then moved my legs. "O-ow!" I hissed.

"So the left leg." She said and took of the blanket that was on me. There was a casket around it. Recovery girl then took out a sharp knife that she had and carefully cut it open. That's when we saw my ankle.

It was fricken green! It looked like it was about to turn purple soon. I almost gagged. I never had this kind of injury in a while.

"How did this happen?" Recovery girl said checking my ankle out. I just looked at Hayato and see him gagging. I just sighed.

"It was probably when I was trying to take him down." I answered. She just hummed. "Well ok then. Next time be careful!" She said healing my ankle. "Kkiisss!"

As she healed it, it was turning back to its regular color and not plump anymore. "Ohh! So that's why she started kissing!" Ranka exclaimed. Haruhi just stared in awe. "Pretty neat." She said chuckling.

Once she was done, I felt better and tired since she used my stamina. "Finished." Recovery girl said putting a lollipop in her mouth.

Everyone then started talking to us, still how they were very worried. I looked over to were Hayato was and Mr. Aizawa was talking to him.

Hayato nodded on whatever Mr. Aizawa said and stood up. They both started walking towards us. "Hey." Mr. Aizawa said that caught everyone's attention.

"What happened sensei?" Iida said making weird hand things. Classic Iida. "There was a bomb at the school right?" He asked. And we all nodded.

I looked over to Ranka who looked like he was outside in the coldness. "B-bomb!? Why didn't you tell me about this Haruhi?"

Ranka said squeezing Haruhi. "Dad! Sorry I just didn't want you to worry, its alright now Iida-kun already disabled the bomb." She said calming down her dad. Reminds me of when I try to calm down my mom.

Anyway, Iida disarmed the bomb? So that means Todoroki and Uraraka took it down safely. Phew. I saw Mr. Aizawa smug

"Congratulations. You captured the villain." He said holding onto Hayato's arm. Hayato just looked away embarrassed. We were all shocked. We did it.

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