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   After I got killed by hawfrost. I thought that I would go to the dark forest , after what I did to Ashfur." I'm so sorry Ashfur ", I sobbed. 

As I walk around starclan I saw Firestar ( who died protecting all the clan from the dark forest cats) and Rock standing together discussing about something. As I turned around to leave I heard Rock calling me so I turned around and face Rock. 

" Hollyleaf , you died at a young age so I'm here to give you a second chance," said Rock. I immediately said yes without thinking about it. " But this is your only chance , so use it wisely and you will be reincarnated as one of Ivypool's kits and you will not remember your past life. For it will disturb your second life," Rock mewed . "Ok!," I said to Rock as I walk away excitedly to prepared.

       " Should we tell her about the fore coming prophecy, that she would become," Firestar said worryingly. " She will soon find out about it, sooner or later," Rock added, "Well we should just wait until the prophecy comes."

"I can't wait to get reincarnated," I meowed happily. " And I hope to see Jayfeather and Lionblaze. Would they recognized me though? No, Wait! they can't know it's me,"I mewed sadly. " It's time for you to be reincarnated, Hollyleaf," said Rock."Ok, I'm ready,"I said trying to stay calm. I know this is a rare chance. The only cat that I know that have been reincarnated is Cinderpelt , she was reincarnated into Cinderheart.

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